Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

Dominic's POV:

    Snapping Kristophe out of a blind rage was not what I was expecting when I had walked into the apartment from work. The kitchen was in ruins, Chase laid on the floor with a stake in his chest, while Kristophe was going to town on who I can only assume is Chase's killer.
    Stepping over his body, I felt my heart tug and my eyes threaten to spill in devastated tears, but I knew Kris needed me first. The man that Kris was ripping apart looked to be drowning in his own blood. Laying on the floor while Kris took bites out of his body. Ripping muscles out, tearing organs from their places and onto the dirty floor.
    Kris's eyes were completely red and the veins that I knew he had were extended down his jaw. He looked to be in a trance as he sadistically ripped the man to shreds. In moments, Kris would take a few seconds to pull away and look at his masterpiece before laughing hysterically.
    The laughing would only stop when Kristophe went back to tear more flesh out of the man. I didn't know what to do, or how to help him, but I knew he needed it before he did something he regretted. I watched for longer than I should have, completely entranced in the rage and harsh red color that sprayed everywhere.
    Raised as a werewolf and not only that, but an Alpha meant that blood wasn't supposed to bother me. But it did, and that was why I never wanted the title of Alpha of the pack I was born into. I let my older twin brother have it without any kind of fight. The ruthless way Kris used to cause pain and then laugh about it terrified me to the very core.
    You could feel the pain Kris was feeling in the room. You could feel the terror and sadness as well, as blood coated not only the two men but most of the furniture and some of the walls. It smelled like nothing else in this world, the iron and composition of the blood soaked everything in it's scent.
    It was only when Kris seemed to want to end this torture that I intercepted. He was holding the man against the wall by his throat, a stake in the other hand, hovering above the chest. Despite the anger flowing off him, the pain and despair he was feeling, the stake never entered the chest cavity. In fact, the stake never moved...
    Kris growled loudly, almost in anger with himself that he couldn't kill the man. I knew he wasn't going to be able to do it. He wasn't the kind of person that did that sort of thing. Torture? Fuck yea! Killer? No...

    . . . . .

    Only after Kris had returned to normal, and only after his father was dead did things calm down. Calm, yet moving and painful. Kristophe was my son, even if he wasn't a blood relative of mine, he was mine. My son and with that, so was Chase.
    As I talked Kris down from his homicidal trance, Benji had taken care of Chase. When he walked back into the living room, Kris was leaving. They didn't speak, didn't even look at one another. I think it was too hard. It wasn't right.

    "How... What..." I spoke aloud, trying to come up with words to say. Something to steady myself, but I couldn't. Nothing was going to steady me. One of my kids had died and the other was never going to be the same.

    "He killed him?" Benji asked in a dark voice I had never heard from my mate's best friend.

    "No. I did." Telling the truth, I sat on the blood speckled couch, head in my hands.

    "You killed..." Benji started, but couldn't continue as he sat on the coffee table in front of my hunched form.

    "I wasn't going to let him become something Jessica wouldn't have wanted. He's not a killer, whereas I'm happy to be one, when it means protecting and defending my family. Its my nature." The words spilled out as Benji and I moved slowly about the room.

    We stayed silent after that, and we cleaned. We cleaned for hours, into the dark of the night and by the end of it, you could say the apartment looked a bit better. The only stains we couldn't get out were the blood on the sofa, which would need to be burned. The kitchen needed to be completely redone, which Benji promised to handle in the coming days.
    I worried about Kristophe. We hadn't heard anything from his room, or anything out of him for hours. What was he doing? Did he need support? Comfort?
    I wanted to be there, but yet I knew, from every encounter I ever had with Kris that he wouldn't want that. He wants to grieve alone and... forever...

. . . . . .

    Benji sat on one side of the couch. I sat on the other end. Both sides stained in blood, but yet, we said nothing to the other. It was quiet and had been for the better part of an hour. He drank straight from a bottle of Blue Label Scotch and I opted for the unopened bottle of Purity Vodka.
    Drinking straight from the bottle is dangerous, but as a hundred year old vampire and an Alpha werewolf, I think we were set for a depressing night. I expected screams and cries for the entire night. I wanted to be able to see Kris and try and comfort him, but after Jessica went missing, I wanted to be alone too...
    I don't know what I would have done if she was simply dead. Missing meant hope, no matter what, I had hope. Kris had none and that is what worried me.

    "Vampires burn." Benji croaked out. Speaking for the first time in hours.

    "What?" I asked, confused and a slightly buzzed from the now-empty bottle of premium vodka Jessica had purchased...

    "When you kill a vampire, as you did with Roman, they burn to ash. Something about ashes to ashes... Chase isn't ash. His body is just... there. Empty." Benji explained...

    "He wasn't a normal vampire remember? Maybe he had different rules? Maybe..." As I spoke words into the previously pin-drop silent room, I heard something.

    It was faint, but Benji heard it at the same time as me. Crying. We moved with speed, down the hall of the apartment and yet, we entered the room quietly and silently. As the door opened, Chase's 'greyed' dead body laid in the bed. Kris on the other hand.
    He laid on the floor, opposite the bed in the fetal position. Practically silent tears fell from his hazel eyes, as Benji crouched down to his level. Laying his hand on Kris's body was accepted with tremors and shaking, as more tears fell from all of our eyes.

    "I can't touch him. I can't... I can't... I just... I can't..." Kris spoke these words repeatedly, for so long. Benji told him it was ok. He didn't have to. We tried to get him to move for the rest of the night, but he would only cry, mutter and growl. Benji looked at me at one point, friend to friend.
    It was a look that said only one thing. This wasn't good. No matter what Benji assured Kris of. It was not ok. For Kris, life was never going to be ok again.

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Love Ya HoneyBunnies 😘😘

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