Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Chase's POV:

    It was a complete nightmare.

    I understood that dying was always going to be panic-inducing. Even that statement sounds ridiculous but since I knew I was going to be coming back, I wasn't scared...

    In general, I've never been scared of death, but coming face to face with it and realizing that nothing you do will change anything... that's scary...

    After passing out from the blood loss, I was confronted with something I didn't believe possible.
       When Mom and Benji heard that I wanted to turn, they told me that you don't see anything. They assured me that nothing happens in those few hours in between life and death.

    When you die, and are in the process of becoming a vampire, you linger in between life and death. It can take minutes, or hours... and for the worst of cases... days.

    I knew nothing was going to happen, but, when it did. I was speechless.

    It was like watching from outside, like watching life go on without you and you can't do a single thing to stop it. I couldn't move, speak, interact with anyone or the environment around me. I was forced to watch this reality unfold and continue without me.

    My own funeral. The guests that attended and the guests that I wanted to, but didn't. I had to watch my family grieve, in real time, I had to witness their emotions unravel and kill pieces of themselves.

    This all happened in real time, nothing sped up, not until I was propelled forward into another time. Forced to watch my family go on, my mom get married and have children... without me there... Then, there was the one person who didn't move on.

    He didn't grieve. He stewed in his sadness, he let it fester and bubble up until it turned into resentment, frustration and eventually, rage. He turned bloodthirsty, killing anyone he pleased, anyone that got in his way.

    My Brother.

    My Lover.

    My Daddy.

    My MATE... turned into some ruthless murderer.

    He led gangs, crime families, ignited and fueled wars that killed hundreds, thousands, and I had to watch it all. In slow motion. Laid out perfectly for me to watch.

    It was when the pain became crushing. Devastatingly horrific, that I thought my evolution into a vampire would never come. Something went wrong from the get-go, my diseased blood refused my new life and this... this was hell, personally tailored for me to rot in misery forever.

    Then something changed. I got my feeling back. I felt my toes, my fingers. I could feel myself settling back into itself. Like I was laying down into my body, and... it was different.

    My first look back into the world, the moment I opened my eyes and stared around the room was overwhelming. Kristophe couldn't look in my direction, having to had previously look at my corpse. Benji stared at me so intensely, so filled with hope he cried when he saw my eyes open.

    It was then, looking around the room at the brightness I was bringing back that I realized what I saw...was not hell.

    It was a future without me.

    It was... "Someone"... showing me what life would be like for my loved ones, if I was not here anymore.

    When Benji handed me the blood bag for the first time, my first lame thought was "I finally get to see what everyone is so crazy for". The liquid that landed on my lips, the vicious fluid that coursed down my throat was fire. It was searing every part of my body from the inside out, and it was at this realization that it all came back up.

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