Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

(Cade, Chase'a best friend AKA Fuckbuddy pictured above)

Kristophe's POV:

    Hearing all those things straight from Chase's mouth was shocking, and upsetting, but more than anything, I wanted to hold him. I desperately wanted to tell him that he didn't need anyone besides me. I wanted to give him everything, just so he could feel better, but he took it so so wrong. Pity. I have never pitied him. I felt sadness and protectiveness, never, not once did I pity him.
    My lip trembles as my back rests against my closed bedroom door. Tears threatening to pour out, but despite trying everything to stop them, they fall. I spend the next few minutes crying on my bedroom floor, before I can stomp the feelings back down and lock them up. Walking into Chase and I's shared bathroom, I am immediately assaulted with the smell of him and the smell of his blood.
    With my vamp speed, I am standing in his bedroom again. Looking at him sleep, the tears on his cheeks are still wet. Everything in me is telling me to crawl into the bed with him, hold him close and whisper words of love into his ears. I don't do this. Instead, I turn around and walk out.
    Back in my bedroom, I'm angry. At myself, at the people who hurt Chase, whether he wanted it or not. I make a list in my head of people to kill. Obviously, I can't kill anyone but the thoughts are there. The sadistic thoughts that I was born with, the thoughts of hurting people for fun and pleasure. The want my mother taught me to control, she taught me that evil and vampire don't have to mix.
    She taught me to bottle those feelings up until they aren't as strong anymore. My mother is older than I am, and so is Uncle Benji, so I know this method works and I know it works for me. But, right now I want to rip the heads off of everyone who has had a taste of Chase. The last thing that fill my sick brain before sleep is the resentment that others have had Chase...and I haven't.

. . . . .

    ""How about not speaking to you at all? It's worked for the last few years, go back to it..." Chase whisper-yells at me, before stomping out of the kitchen and back to his room.
    I wasn't talking about his proclivities and the sex he has been having. I was talking about the cutting, after smelling his blood last night, it was the only thing I could think of. I have only buried myself deeper into the hole with Chase, and then that comment about not speaking...
    I knew it hurt him that I was breaking our friendship, but I didn't think it still hurt him now. I thought maybe he would believe it was normal behavior for brothers as they grow. Now I know, I've been hurting him for a long time, and sadly I have to keep doing it. I have to keep him away from me, because even though my control is exceptional, if I get too close and personal with him again...I would take him...and I can't.

. . . . .

    It's now been two months since that fateful night at the party, and like Chase last said...we aren't speaking anymore. We see each other at home and don't talk, we see each other at school and we don't talk... I miss him, but I know this is for the best. After that night, it was like my eyes were finally opened and I realized the giant signs I missed.
    Cade, is probably Chase's boyfriend. I never paid enough attention in school to notice it or listen to gossip. He never introduced him to Mom or me, he just never told us. The whole school seems to like Chase too, he is actually very popular.
    He hangs out at lunch with the football team, probably because of Cade, but it could also be because they are all screwing him. All the girls love him, he's gay and non-threatening, plus he has an in with the football players. He is super popular, even when Cade isn't around. To say I have been watching him doesn't do my behavior justice. I'm practically stalking my brother.

. . . . .

    Another month passes before I hear about another party at Cade's house next Friday. Now armed with my knowledge of what happens at those parties, I'm determined to stop it. I'm not above bribing, but someone like Cade is rich enough to turn me down, so I settle with my other option...threatening.
    It's Saturday night, and I'm currently following Cade home from a club where he picked up a thin twink. I'm assuming they are going back to his house, but I decide not to wait that long. Cutting them off on the sidewalk using an alleyway, I stop the both of them.
    "Dude, what are you doing?" Cade speaks as the twink hangs on his every word. Funny, he is so macho and big, towering over me by 3 inches.
    "Go home." I pull the twink out of his arm and harshly push him away from us.
    "But..." I hear the twink try and fight me. Spinning around, I look him in the eyes before the whites of my eyes flood with dark red blood, my 4 fangs hanging down and the veins raise and pulsate from the bottoms of my eyes.
    His scream erupts, as the twink runs down the block, before I turn back to Cade. Looking at him, I smirk and grab the collar of his shirt and throw him down the dark alleyway. He is thrown at least 6 feet away from me, and I'm not even using full strength. Smirking, I walk over to him, fear in his eyes now.
    "It's over between you and your boyfriend. Tell whoever you have too, he isn't doing that, anymore." I say, standing imposingly in front of his body on the ground.
    "Look dude, he isn't my boyfriend, plus, it was all consensual..." He tries to convince, before I lightly pin his shin to the pavement with my foot.
    "Tell me, do you think you can get that scholarship if your leg is shattered?" I ask, acting genuinely curious to scare him. Like any human being threatened by someone like me, he soon pleads for me to let him go.
    "Dump your boyfriend, and if I ever find out that you and your friends touched him again, I won't just break your leg...I'll break your skull, all of your skulls!" I say, before using my vamp speed to leave the alleyway and the sobbing mess of a football player.
    That should be enough to keep those mongrels paws off of my precious Chase...wait...did I just Chase? No! No! That can't happen, I'm only trying to keep him safe, and away from those people.
    The thoughts plague my mind even as I walk into the house. Chase is sitting on the couch watching TV, but soon turns to look and sees me in the doorway. His face is one of hurt and shock, to my confusion, before I feel the wetness on my cheeks...Shit!...
    Vamp speed is my savior, as I slam the door to my bedroom and violently wipe the tears away from my cheeks. Soon, I can hear a heartbeat outside my door, just outside the door. I can almost feel Chase's hesitation, as he stands in front thinking... Soon, with a sniffle and sigh, I hear the heartbeat recede and a door shut. FUCK! Why do I keep hurting the boy I love?...FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCK! LOVE? I can't love him...I'll hurt him...I'll ruin him...he doesn't deserve that, he should't have one should be plagued with that kind of sickness.

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