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Going out to the park with Carson, he grabbed my right hand. "If you want to, be with me. It'll be an honour to be your boyfriend. I really like you. My feelings haven't changed. They won't. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked taking out a rose.

"see but before I answer, answer my question. Where did you hide that thing?" I asked.

"I asked you a question and that was your reply? I hid it in my back pocket. All the thorns are off it."

"My answer is a-"

"WAIT." Screamed a familiar voice.

Turning around I saw Nick running towards us. "Don't say yes. Don't be with Carson. Be with me. I love you. When I got your letter, before you woke up, about you loving me, before I found out you were going to live. I panicked. I knew I liked you but, I never thought I that you'd like me. But I need you. I love you, I realised that I've always loved you, since we were kids. I thought It was only as a friend but when I saw you with Carson at the beach I got insanely jealous. I realised that my feelings weren't me trying to protect you. It was me not letting anyone have you because I want you for my self. When he asked you out my heart broke. I don't know what to do. I need you in my life. But If you choose him. I never want to see you again. Be with me. I love you. Please. Be. My. Girlfriend? I've never felt like this before. Ever." His voice cracked as he plead.

I'm so confused. Who should I chose. Be with one but inevitability lose the other. Or chose neither? And be alone.

Looking at both boys Carson spoke clearly and calmly, but I could tell he -I know why- was really angry . "Dude. So you're saying as soon as she finds someone, who actually likes her, liked her for her, not just for her looks, someone who will love her everyday for the rest of her life. You can't handle it? You are a hi picture someone like her, someone as amazing and as beautiful as her doesn't need someone who'll be there one day and gone the next. She deserves someone who she can trust, someone who will be there for her every single day. Rain or shine. Someone like me. I will never hurt her. Ever. I will never put my needs before hers. I wouldn't even think about hurting her, if I even see her cry... I'm sure my heart will break and I will probably cry to. I want her. I've asked her to be my girlfriend already and you're the reason I met her, and I'm grateful for that... but mate... you are too late."

"Chose. Now. You need to chose. I hope you chose me but Disney isn't correct. Dreams don't always come true."

"I... I need... I need time. Give me two days. No contacting what so ever. I need to know what I really, really truely feel. Please give me time. I like you both and I don't want to make the wrong decision and hurt either of you. I don't want to hurt anyone. But I'm going to have to and it sucks."

When I get home I go into the kitchen, I see mum in the kitchen. "Hey mum. What's for dinner?"

"Oh, hey sweets. Where having a prawns risotto, you used to love it.We haven't had it since you were 12."

"Really? Cool. I can't wait."

Twenty minutes later I set the table and proceed to tell my mum about today. When suddenly I can't breath.

I start hitting the table with my hand. "What's wrong?" My mum asks frantically. I put my hands on my throats and then fall off the chair. Normally we would laugh at my clumsiness but this is serious. Mum, rushes over to me and sees my face turning purple.
"Are you choking?" As I start to fall unconscious, tears roll down my face, I see my mum calling someone on her phone. I wonder who sees calling.

Two days later, I open my eyes and look at my surroundings. All white. Where am I? "Darling? You're in the hospital. Give me one second." She says as she leaves the room. Why am I in the hospital. "Darling. The doctor will be in in five minutes. You are in the hospital as you had an allergic reactions to the prawn risotto I made."

"But I have had prawns before."

"Well lots of people have no problems with foods frowning up and when they get older they just become allergic."

"How long... how long have I been here?"

" two days."

"Nick! Carson! What am I going to tell them?"

"Sweetie, I called them. They have been here for two days waiting for you."

Then the doctor came in and repeated what my mum said.

Ten minutes after the doctor left the boys came in.
"Abi. Thank god you're okay." Said Carson handing me chocolates.

"Abs. I am so relieved, that you're okay. Your mum rang me and told me that you were in the hospital. I can't believe you almost died. I'm so happy your okay." Nick said handing me flowers and a bear. 'Mr ted' said the label.

"I am to. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to choose the person I want to be with. But I know it's been two days but I haven't had a chance to think. Due to." I say motioning to my self.

"It's okay. You can have until tomorrow."

"Gee thanks."

"You're welcome Abigale. You deserve it."

" hahaha."

Then the boys left the room. I thought about it.

How I've always loved Nick. My best friend. My Nicky. How Nick makes me feel. How he makes my heart beat 1000 beats a second, and skip beats at the same time. How Nick makes me smile.

Then I thought about Carson. How he makes me feel pretty. How much fun we have hanging out. How much time I want to spend with him. How funny he is.

Why is it always so easy to fall in love. Hard to fall out and impossible to chose. I need to chose one. Who do I chose. Then my mum comes in from the Canteen. "Mum. I don't know who to chose."

"I know it's hard love but do me a favour. Close your eyes." I give her a look. "Just do it." Closing my eyes she said. "Who makes you laugh, who makes you smile. Who do you truely love." I open my eyes and smile. I know who I chose.

" thank you mum."
"Any time. But not again... okay."

The next day I text both the boys telling them I have finally decided. Telling them to meet me here. At the hospital. Ten minutes later I checked my phone, seeing that they both replied saying they'll be right here. I'm going to reveal who I want to be

" hey." They both say.
"Hi. I know that you're nervous. But I want to say. I do love you both. But as we know there can only be one winner. The winner owns the keys to my heart.
But. It pains me to do this. I want you both in my life but I'm sorry but I have chosen..."

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