"Gwen reached out," Chris explained. "Apparently Inesh knows of a few businesses that are setting up — good bloke by the way. We had to deal with him a lot through this whole process and he was easy and very cooperative. Gwen's got a smart eye for picking that guy. Right, so where was I?"

She laughed lightly, shaking her head as she leaned back on her bed. "Gwen reached out and Inesh knew a few businesses setting up," she reminded him of his opening.

"Right," he continued, "And my husband's setting up a restaurant—"

"We keep cutting each other off to have a proper conversation but — what? You have a husband now?"

He laughed. "I got married last year. He proposed to me the night after graduation."

She squealed. "I need to hear all the details," she demanded. "You're dishing me everything when we meet up."

"Wouldn't think of keeping out a single detail," Chris swore before he laughed again. "Anyway, before we get distracted again — my husband is setting up a restaurant and he's looking for a head chef. Inesh said he knew someone, his girlfriend's little sister, London Liang and I just had to give you a call. Girl, I am so proud. I knew you always wanted to go after cooking. Your stuff always tasted amazing. So of course I had to tell Rico, my husband, that we had to see if you were as good or better than when I met you."

"Chris," London squealed, her heart jumping with joy. This was the opportunity she'd been looking for quite some time now. She was experienced and still young but she was determined to get her chef whites and hat — she wanted head chef so terribly bad she would compromise her free time to take up extra hours at the restaurant.

"I know, I know," he said breezily, "You're welcome."

They talked for a while, trying to set up an appropriate time when neither of them was busy which was rather hard to do when their sechedule's didn't match up. Finally, they found an afternoon that Chris was able to free up and after agreeing to meet up at Tollerz, she hung up. Chris knew of Tollerz — who didn't? — and thought it would be better to meet up in her workplace and get recommendations directly from the chef. London told him that she could set up a meeting with her boss too and with that business finalised, London was bursting to tell someone the news.

She dialled her sister but she didn't pick up. It was probably date night anyway and she didn't want to disturb. Her news could wait for tomorrow. She thought of Andrew Cai then. Would it be weird if she called him? They had talked a fair number of times and Andrew had also called her when he finalised his divorce. Sharing good news, that's all she was doing. She rang his number, her heart beating to an odd pace, and when it went to voicemail after a few rings she let out a huff of breath. She didn't know what she was expecting but she couldn't help but feel disappointed. She didn't try again in hopes that she didn't come off too desperate.

Having a dinner for one on a Saturday night was lonely but London didn't feel so as she cuddled with blankets around her, a movie playing on the TV and a plate full of food — she'd gone all out. After all, cooking was always fun. She'd even plated it so it looked fancy, something that she could definitely see in a starred restaurant.

Her phone rang just as the end credits rolled on and lazily reaching for it, she hit the answer button without looking at who it was. It was late and the only person who'd be calling her this time was her Dad. On Saturday nights he'd have a little too much to drink, ever since Mum passed away, and he'd call London or Gwen, going on and on. London always answered his call and let him drone on. She'd learnt to zone out his voice and just focus on whatever other work she had on hand. This time her other work was sleep.

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