He saw the shift in my mood, because his anger seeped away quickly. "No, Freya. You have nothing to be sorry for. None of this is your fault. You have to know that."

I nodded slowly, but more for his benefit. "We are going to get through this."

Cameron took a shaky breath and nodded. "We have to. The other option is to scary." He looked at Amilia then, his eyes sad.

"Please don't push us away now. The only way for you to get through this is with our help. And we need you."

"I know. It's so weird to say, but I know you can't afford to lose me right now. And neither can she. And because of that, I am going to try. I am going to try everyday to figure this out, to figure out how to live with who I am now," he stated, running a hand over his face, then through his hair.

My racing heart slowed down a bit, my worry beginning to seep away. All I can ask of him is for him to try, and he's going to. That's all that matters.

"Hey, on the bright side, you'll be a great asset to this war now. We'll be able to know how the vampires operate by figuring out what you can do."

Cameron laughed a little, despite himself. "You're right."

Cameron motioned for me to come closer. I picked up the chair so that it wouldn't squeak against the floor and set it right next to his bed. Then I sat down and rested my head on his shoulder. He rested his head atop mine.

We sat like that for a while in complete silence, taking comfort in each others presence. We watched the sun rise higher into the sky, shining more light into the room. We watched as the day began to really seep in, as it became more socially acceptable to be awake.

We watched, content. A few hours of silence, of no problems to worry about. It was nice.


I must have fallen asleep at some point, because my eyes slowly drifted open to the sound of muffled voices. I peeked one eye open, taking in the commotion. Rowan stood in the room, his arms crossed. Amilia stood right in front of him, her hands on her hips.

"He just transitioned. Give him time before you start turning him into your perfect little soldier," Amilia growled, her tone icy.

"We don't have time. If you want your boyfriend to live, you will allow me to help him," Rowan shrugged.

"If I leave you to him, you will walk him right to his death!"

I groaned and popped the other eye open, sitting up and stretching in the process. Amilia kept her attention on Rowan, but he slowly turned to look at me. Can you help me out here?

"Don't you dare start asking for her help!"

Rowan sighed. I just grinned and shrugged. I turned to Cameron, tilting my head. He sat up in the bed, staring at his hands.

How do you feel about this, I murmured into his head.

He sighed and looked up at me, his eyes sad. I want to help you, I want to protect those I love. But I know by doing that, I might hurt her.

I shook my head. She's just scared of losing you. But if you don't learn how to embrace who you are now, there is no way she WON'T lose you.

Cameron nodded. I know. But you try telling her that.

I smiled a bit at that. She is being fiercely protective right now. I don't think I have ever seen her like this before. She is standing up as straight as possible, her eyes coldly staring into Rowan's. She has never stood up to him before. I guess mates really do change people.

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