As The Hymn Book Flies

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Susanna's POV

"Jesus that smirk is gonna kill me," I murmured under my breath sitting on a log near the fire. I squeezed my thighs together praying it was the tequila shots that Tiffany and Ben had been giving me as I felt the liquor swirl through my veins. Not the looks and smiles I kept getting. It was the booze. Just the booze. Tiffany let out a snort shaking her head. I guess I wasn't as quiet as I would have liked. I closed my eyes in mortification. "I didn't whisper that did I?"

"Nope," Tiffany said with a snicker leaning against me. I laid my head on her shoulder feeling a pair of eyes searching for mine across the fire. That man was being a flirt that was all it was. Nothing more. Tiff leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Someone keeps watching you. I'd go for it Suz. You always had a crush on him in high school."

"The man just ended things with his fiancée a few months ago," I grumbled realizing my words were starting to slur. "I'm not even in his league anyhow."

"Oh whatever," she said slapping my hand. "His eyes have followed you since Eli drug him away." The sound of a guitar being strummed pulled both of our attention as Brantley shot me a wink before he started to sing. Ben grabbed a bucket he found somewhere to tap along to the beat. Eyes stayed locked on mine the entire time Brantley was singing "Dust on The Bottle". Lord help me that man had a sinful voice.

The next morning, I stumbled out of my bedroom blindly in search of the coffee pot and in desperate need of some aspirin. I held my aching head with one hand wincing at the bright sunlight spilling in. My phone had been dead on my nightstand. Between lack of sleep and the tequila last night I was hurting. The smell of coffee made my feet skid to a stop on the cold tile floor of my kitchen. I didn't remember setting the timer before Tiffany and I left last night. Trying to force my bleary eyes to adjust, I expected to see my best friend lounging in my kitchen.

Instead, I was greeted with a tattooed man giving me a sleepy smile. I yelped trying to back pedal out of the kitchen only to trip over my feet. Closing my eyes against the impending collision with the floor, I braced for impact. But it never came as a pair of warm hands gripped my waist yanking me back up. Bracing my hands on Brantley's bare chest, I tried to gather myself. Realizing where my hands where, I quickly pulled them away stepping back.

"What are you doing here?" I croaked out. He passed me a steaming mug of coffee with a chuckle.

"You were pretty hammered last night darlin," he told me softly. "So was Tiffany. Ben got her home and I told him I would make sure you did. I slept on the couch in case you needed anything."

"Oh," I murmured lowly in deference to my raging hangover feeling the first sips of caffeine fire through my system that had nothing to do with the man standing in front of me in just a low slung pair of sweatpants. It was then that I noticed the black t-shirt I was wearing that I knew wasn't mine. I became aware of the fact that it brushed the tops of my thighs leaving me in nothing more than it and my black lace under wear. My head jerked up meeting Brantley's eyes realizing he was staring at my legs. Snaking a hand out, I smacked his chest causing him to jump back in surprise. "What the hell happened last night?" Why am I in your shirt?"

"Because you spilled your last drink all down yours," Brantley said stretching the arm not holding coffee over his head making those pants slip a little more. Damn, that v-line I could trace with my tongue and keep going. Fingers snapping made my eyes jerk up to meet a laughing pair of green ones. "My eyes are up here Susie Q." I glared up at him as he chuckled making my traitorous nipples pebble at the sound.

"Tiffany was sober enough to help you get changed last night but couldn't find your pajamas. Claimed my shirt would do. I didn't see a thing sweetheart even though you did purposely flash me on the ride here. I almost ran off the road at that sweet, sweet, sight. Black lace is a good look against your skin."

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