Friendsentine Day

Start from the beginning

"Why would I tell you that?"

Alexander ground his teeth, "So, I don't pluck out your hair strand by strand right this minute."

"Alright, alright, I was only joking." Thomas placed a hand protectively on his hair. "Only James has voted."

Aaron and Theodosia walked up to the doors of the school. "Aaron, my bestie," Alexander exclaimed, engulfing him in a hug.

"Hamilton, if you're trying to get my vote then get off of me," Aaron ordered.

"So, I do have your vote then?" Alexander said.

"No," Aaron stated bluntly.

"So, you're voting for me," Thomas concluded.

"No, Aaron's my friend," Alexander argued, "He's voting for me."

"Hamilton, we literally have a huge feud," Aaron said as he facepalmed.

"Water under the bridge," Alexander waved it off.

"Sure," Aaron said, unconvinced. "I'm gonna go vote." He speed walked past them.

"For me!" Hamilton shouted as Aaron practically ran off, "Cause we're just the bestest of friends!"

"We're voting for Thomas, right?" Theodosia confirmed as they walked in.


Lafayette and Hercules stepped out of their car and walked towards the school together.

 "Laf, Herc!" Alexander greeted. 

"Don't Laf me," Lafayette said coldly.

"Whaattt? But, Laf-" Alexander began.

"He's still salty about last game night," Hercules explained.

"What? But it was just Sorry," Alexander tried to defend himself.

"And you put my piece all the way back to the beginning! You could have chosen any player!" Lafayette snapped at him.

"I'm sorry. I still have your vote right?" Alexander asked hopefully.

"Yeah right," Lafayette said as he brushed past him, into the building.

"Hercules?" Alex asked.

"Sorry, Laf would kill me if I voted for you." He followed after his husband.

"Doesn't look too good for you," Thomas said.

"Just you wait. Here come Samuel and Charles. They'll vote for me," Alexander replied. "Hey, Samuel! Remember that time I roasted you so bad you peed your pants. Haha, good times, good times."

Samuel ran past him in fear so Alexander moved on to Charles. "Charles, my man! Remember that time that you fought John and he beat you and then I sent a video of it to the whole school. Ah, those days were just the best."

Charles glared at him and stalked into the building. "Vote Jefferson!" Thomas called out to them. "I think that went well," Jefferson commented.

"Whatever. Maria!" Alexander greeted as the brunette walked up.

"How's it going?" she asked.

"Pretty well. For me," Thomas answered.

"I wasn't asking you," she hissed at him.

"Not as good as it could. Laf went against me because I beat him at Sorry," Alexander recalled, "But I think I still have the upper hand. Go in there and vote."

Eliza, the Burrs, Hercules, and Laf came out the door as Maria entered. "Thanks for voting for me!" Thomas said.

"No, thanks for voting for me! Especially you, best friend!" As Alexander said this Aaron began to walk away faster. "Make sure to come back when they announce that I won."

Peggy and John strolled towards the doors of the school. "Pegleg, my third favorite Schuyler, I have your vote?"

"Sure but I don't know if you have John's," she said.

"Say it isn't true, Alex," John whispered sadly.

"What isn't true?" Alexander asked, panicked that he would lose a friend or a vote.

"That you called Aaron your best friend! I thought I was your best friend!" John yelled at him.

"You are, you are!" Alexander tried to reassure him.

"Clearly not," John spat, "Best friends don't call other people their best friends!" He stormed off to go vote. Peggy shrugged, following after him.

"Tough luck," Thomas said, faking sympathy.

"John will vote for me. He's just a little upset," Alexander brushed it off.

"Angelica just texted me. She can't vote," Eliza told him as she read the text.

"Why not?" 

"Tigger ran away."

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