Take Your Kid to Work Day Part 2

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~Peggy's office in the Laurens apartment~

"Hey guys and welcome to another video!" Peggy enthusiastically did her intro.

"Momma, who are you talking to?" Frances said while tapping her small fingers against the camera glass.

"The fans. Say hi to them." Peggy said.

"Oh, hi fans!" Frances waved at the camera. "Wait, people are gonna see me? I have to get ready! Be right back." Frances ran off into her room to 'get ready'.

"Today my daughter, Frances, will be joining me and doing my make-up once she's ready." Peggy informed the camera.

"I'm back." Frances said dramatically, entering the room in a tiara and princess dress.

"Perfect." Peggy said with a smile. "Ready to start?"

 "I get to touch your make-up?" Frances asked, staring down in amazement at her mom's infinite collection of make-up. 

"Yep a once in a lifetime experience." Peggy answered.

"Normally, I just have to steal it secretly. I mean nothing." Frances said.

"We'll talk about that later, young lady." Peggy said sternly. 

"Or not. I'm gonna start with this." Frances said, picking up bright red lipstick.

"Alright." Peggy said.

"Go like this." Frances said puckering her lips. Peggy did as she was told and Frances smeared the fire hydrant colored lipstick all over her lips. Peggy moved to fix her hair and accidentally bumped Frances hand sending lipstick up her cheek. "Uh oh." Frances said staring at the streak of red across her mom's cheek.

"It's all right. Cover it with concealer." Peggy instructed. Frances looked down at the collection of concealers on the desk. 

"Which one?" Frances asked. 

"Any of them." Peggy said. Frances grabbed one and covered up the stripe of red messily. "Now, blend." Peggy directed her while handing Frances a beauty blender.

Frances rubbed the product all around. It ended up looking like a dark bruise covered Peggy's cheek. "It doesn't look right." Frances said, turning her head to see if it looked right from a different angle. 

Peggy looked down at the concealer she had used. "Oh no. I bought that when I had a spray tan. You know what? Just leave it, keep going." 

"Alright." Frances said unconvinced while fixing her tiara. 

~10 minutes of make-up mishaps later~ 

"All done." Frances said, placing down the brush she had been using. "Do you wanna see it?" Frances asked excitedly while holding a small mirror behind her back. 

"Yes!" Peggy said, a little scared of what she might see. Frances brought the mirror out from behind her back and placed it so her mom could see her reflection. "Oh my..." Peggy said, staring at the make-up disaster she had become. Bright blue eye-shadow covered her eyelids all the way to her eyebrows and pounds of blush covered her whole cheeks. A patch of dark barely covered up the streak of red under it. Firetruck red lipstick covered her lips and the area around them. 

"Do you like it?" Frances asked happily.

"I look beautiful! Thank you." Peggy lied for her daughter's sake. "Well that wraps up this video. Hope you guys enjoyed! See you next time! Say bye to the fans Frances."

"Bye fans!" Frances said waving at the camera.  Peggy turned off the camera and went to reach for a make-up wipe.

"Your gonna take it off? I thought you said you liked it?" Frances said with a little frown covering her face. 

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