Man of Honor?

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A/N: Sorry this took me so long to update but there's a new cover!! My sister made it and I LOVE it!!

Alexander and Philip arrived at the soccer practice 30 minutes early but Burr was already there in the perfect spot to watch it. As they walked onto the field Alexander let out a low growl. 

"Hey, Theo's already here!" Philip said rushing towards the Burrs.

"Oh, yippee!" Alexander said sarcastically. I can't believe I have to deal with Burr every game this season, Alexander thought.

"I'm gonna go see her, okay?" Philip said.

"Okay, I'll meet you over there." Alexander said dully as Philip ran over to his friend across the field.

"Hey Alexander ~" A voice purred from behind. Shoot, Alexander thought.

"Hey Maria." Alexander groaned as he turned around. Maria had been flirting with Alex ever since high school but honestly he found it creepy. She even managed to find his twitter after he had turned it to private and blocked her twice. After high school though the two had stopped talking and Maria's interest in Alexander ceased. But when he turned around those thoughts vanished from his head. Boy, had Maria changed since high school. A tight red dress was wrapped around her curvy figure and dark brown curly locks swung around her shoulders.

"It that your kid?" Maria asked in a disappointed tone. 

"Yeah." Alexander answered proudly. "Is this your daughter?"

A small child with short brown hair clung onto Maria's leg. "Yep." she answered while ruffling her hair. "Susan, honey, why don't you go head over with the other kids?" Susan nodded obediently and raced off across the field. Maria watched her go with a painful look on her face. She couldn't help thinking that she was constantly failing her daughter. As a single mom it was hard to be there for her daughter. Working double shifts at the grocery store didn't quite cut it anymore so she resorted to this... 

Maria steeled herself and turned to Alexander, "James left me. After he found out I was pregnant he just... left." 

"I'm so sorry." Alexander looked at her sympathetically.

No! Don't fall for it, Maria thought desperately but she said, "It's been rough. I'm trying my best for Susan though."

"If you ever need help you know where to find it." Alexander offered with a kind smile.

 You're smarter than this, Maria mentally told him but she said, "Thanks. We've both really changed from high school, huh?" Maria gently placed a hand on his shoulder and moved in closer.

"Yeah." Alexander said intoxicated by her closeness.  

"You've changed." Maria seductively whispered as she stroked his chest. He looked her up and down and gulped at the very thought of where this conversation was going.

"Listen, Maria, I really should be-" He was cut off by her fingers on his lips.

"Don't talk, Alexander Sexy Hamilton." She purred while mentally cringing at her flirts. 

"That's not my middle name. It's MachoNacho." Alexander said, falling out of Maria's spell and taking a step away from her. "And I have a wife and children who I love and you want to know why my middle name is MachoNacho?"

"Sure?" Maria said while taking a step back from Alexander.

"It's to remind me not to make mistakes. See you later, Maria. And could you not flirt with me next time, thanks." Alexander said.

"Bye." Maria said, not really knowing how to feel about the situation. Half of her was happy that she didn't ruin Alex's life but the other half was upset because she still didn't have the money. 

"Maria." A voice mocked from behind her.

She knew that dreadful voice from anywhere. "What do you want, Jefferson?" she hissed at him as she turned to face him. 

"I just happened to snap a picture of you and Alexander there." He said dangling a Polaroid picture of her flirting with Alexander in front of her face. Maria went to snatch it from him but Thomas yanked it away before she could.

"Why do you have a Polaroid camera?" Maria asked.

"It's trendy." Thomas defended. "But that's not the point if you don't want this picture leaked meet at my house tonight."

"Why would I care if it was leaked?" Maria asked.

"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe the PTA would have a look at this." He threatened.

"You wouldn't." Maria gasped. "I make the best cookies for the bake sale and you know you wouldn't get half as many sales if it weren't for me."

"Maybe but we already have enough money from the last bake sale. If this is leaked you're off the PTA. Meet at my house tonight and tell your lil boyfriend too." Thomas smirked evilly.

"He's not my boyfriend, he's married. You don't understand, Thomas. Please don't do this." Maria begged.

"What don't I understand? That you're a heart breaker, who goes from boy to boy?" Thomas taunted.

Maria didn't answer as a small frown grew on her face. "Be there. Tonight." Thomas reminded her before walking off.

Panic set in as thoughts raced around Maria's head. What did she get herself into? She was just going to flirt with Alex to convince him to give her some money. How did it end up like this? She had to tell Alex. She couldn't let this be the reason his whole life was ruined. Maria ran across the field to where Alexander was watching the practice. By now all the kids had shown up and the practice was in full swing.

"Go away, Maria." He said in a low voice. 

"Listen, Tho-" Maria began despite his warning.

"Maria, I told you I'm not interested. I'm married." Alexander said.

"That's not why I'm here!" Maria snapped. "Thomas took a picture of us and is threatening to show everyone."

"Thomas Jefferson?" Alexander asked.

"Yes, he said to meet at his house tonight if we don't want it leaked." She explained rapidly.

"I'm going to murder him." Alex growled.

"Not tonight." Maria said. "We need to convince him to burn the picture."

"Alright." Alexander agreed. "I'll see you there."   

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