julian blackthorn : can't sleep

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The room smelled of sea salt and fresh linen, fresh air off the ocean blowing in through the open windows. The city of Los Angeles was nearly silent, but still there were sounds of cars squealing down the Highway and people walking the streets. The same sounds that the Los Angeles Institute residents fell asleep to each night.

But tonight (Y/N) couldn't sleep. It was hours passed the time she usually fell asleep, hours passed the time she slipped into her bed. She had spent a significant amount of time rolling back and forth across her mattress - flipping from side to side, switching direction and position - and still couldn't find a position good enough.

With a large huff (Y/N) fell into her back, one arm laid over her head and the other laid across her abdomen. She stared up at the ceiling with wide eyes, exhaustion had taken over her body ages ago but she could not find the release of sleep. Having tried everything - counting sheep, a sleepless rune, a listening to music - (Y/N) found herself feeling helpless.

Her eyes slipped shut, from exhaustion, but still she didn't fall asleep. (Y/N) tried to even out her breathing in hope that if she did is that eventually her body would shut down for her.

A sharp knock caught her attention, eyes snapping open and head perked in the direction of her door. It took (Y/N) a second to process the noise, before she rose from her bed and crossed the room to her door.

When she opened the door she saw Julian, dressed in a grey t-shirt and checkered blue- green pants. His hair was pulled in every direction, eyes only half open and in one arm he held a pillow, in the other was his phone and its charger. Julian looked tired beyond belief, and it shocked (Y/N) to see that he was still awake at this hour.

"Julian." Was all (Y/N)'s tired mind could speak, a hand placed on the door frame and the other on the handle. "What are you doing here? It's almost 3am, why aren't you in bed?" She asked him, moving sideways and pulled Julian into the her room.

He stumbled a little, finding his footing sluggishly before following (Y/N)'s guidance to her bed. "I can't sleep." Julian responded quietly, clenching his pillow to his chest as he slowly sunk into her bed.

(Y/N) smiled, slipping into the bed next to him. She had now taken Julian's phone from him and plugged it in next to hers, he seemed to be too tired to protest. When (Y/N) turned back around Julian's head was flat against one of her pillows, eyes still wide as he stared at her.

He spoke before she did, "Why are you awake?" Julian asked, realizing that it was strange for her to be awake at this hour as well.

"I couldn't sleep either." (Y/N) told him, finally laying down. She had her knees pulled towards her chest slightly, hands placed under her head and body less than a foot away from Julian's.

He frowned, moving the pillow that was between them out of the way, "What's wrong?" Julian asked softly, still too tired to raise his voice but not tired enough to fall asleep. One of Julian's hands raised to brush lose strands from (Y/N)'s braids out of her face.

Heat rose from (Y/N)'s chest to her cheeks. Once Julian finished brushing her hair behind her ears his hand stilled on her cheek, running his thumb across her cheek bones. His hands were soft at the tips, some of them had scars running across, but his palms were callused from training and fighting. (Y/N) shivered as he brought a hand to her lips, running thumb across the skin just next to her bottom lip.

"I've just got a lot on my mind." (Y/N) admitted, her voice just as quiet. Both she and Julian had moved closer to each other now, their legs tangled together and only inches between their faces now.

Julian offered her a closed lip smile, he then ran his tongue across his lips as his eyes flickered to look at hers. Soon enough Julian's eyes met hers again, his blue-green eyes looked bright in the darkness of her room.

"Like?" Julian questioned, still moving his thumb across her cheek - dangerously close to her lips.

(Y/N) inhaled sharply, so many things were running through her mind - Julian laying so close to her, Julian's hands so close to her lips, Julian's legs tangled up in hers - but she couldn't speak them. Her eyes bored into his, looking at the genuine concern in them. That was so Julian, to be worried about everyone around him.

"Right now?" She asked him, her voice short and nervous. Julian nodded, encouraging her to continued. (Y/N) let out a long sigh, looking down at where her legs were tangled up in his. "Right now I'm thinking about how close you are to me." She admitted, feeling her chest tighten as she finish.

Julian's hand stilled on her face, surprised at her. Soon he continued his movements, this time bringing at his thumb sweeping across her bottom lip.

"I'm thinking about your hands on me." (Y/N) told him, feeling bold as Julian moved closer to her. "I'm thinking about how you're laying in my bed." Her face moved closer to his. "I'm thinking about throwing my hands into your hair and kissing you." (Y/N) finishes, hoping she hadn't crossed a line.

Julian smirked, dipping his head and slamming his lips into hers. His hands slipped from the side of her back to her hips, pushing her further into the duvet of the bed so he could roll on top of her.

(Y/N) gasped when Julian's lips landed on hers. She needed to find a place for her hands that wasn't curled into the bed sheets, finding the back of his neck she wove her fingers into the bottom of his hair.

Julian slipped one hand up her body, placing that hand on her rib cage. His mouth opened to say something but he couldn't find anything to say.

"Julian." (Y/N) gasped as his lips left hers, running down her face and stopping at the base of her neck.

He smirked against her skin, running his tongue across her burning flesh. Julian then bummed as (Y/N) arched her body into his, trying to get rid of any remaining space between their bodies.

So much for coming to (Y/N)'s room to sleep.

Word Count: 1120

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