Chapter 5: Breaking News

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Back at home, Luigi was munching on the remaining parmigiana while watching the local news in the living room. Perhaps there would be a segment about the new animals that Pauline was talking about. He always liked seeing footage about the newest exhibitions there; while he never had the time to stop by because of his job, at least the local journalists could keep everyone informed.

As he finished the last of his food and took a sip of water, he saw the screen cut to the previews for the new updates as it prepared for a slew of commercials for the next two minutes. He rolled his eyes. It would likely mention another update about City Hall, and how its completion would be delayed yet another year.

"Coming up, a breaking news update on the New Donk City Zoo, which as of 10 minutes ago has been placed on emergency lockdown after a Kong ape escaped its enclosure and wandered into the city. Authorities are standing by as we speak. More details to come, right after this." 

Luigi nearly spit out his drink. What was going on at the zoo that was causing all this commotion? More importantly, were the rest of the New Donkers okay? Hopefully Mario and Pauline were safe.

Before he could put away his dishes, there was a knock on the door. After making a mad dash to open it, the green-clad plumber was face-to-face with Stanley. "What are you doing here?"

"No time for explanations," the exterminator replied as he entered the apartment. "You've been keeping up with the news, right?"

"It's on in the living room right now. Why do you ask?"

"I happen to know a little bit about what's going on at the zoo. A sort of...inside scoop, if you will, about this new story that just broke."

Of course! "Right, because you work there! Are you off today?"

Stanley looked at his Italian neighbor quizzically. "No, I don't work there anymore."


"I didn't tell you last week, did I?" He shook his head at himself. "I ended up quitting. I saw some questionable activity my last night during my cleaning shift that involved Donkey."

Luigi tilted his head. "The ape?"

"The head zookeepers named him 'Donkey Kong'. Kind of an insult more than it is a name, but I digress."

"But what happened to–"

"Shh!" Stanley interrupted. "The news is back on!"

They scrambled back to the living room, where the TV just cut back to the news, showing a slew of grainy photos and videos of Donkey barreling through the streets.

"More coverage on the primate escapee's wild rampage in the city has just been released. Since exiting through the main gateway, this creature has trampled through a crowd of hundreds of evacuees, resulting in at least 20 injuries. Fortunately, there are no reported casualties, but a handful of citizens have been gravely injured. We're joined live with Latrelle Williams at the scene. Latrelle?"

The screen cut to a tall, dark-skinned man in a black suit and black fedora.

"Thanks, Chloe. Witnesses have concluded that the ape in question seems to be headed for the construction site at New Donk City Hall. So far, we have yet to hear from animal control regarding the situation, but first responders from hospitals across the city are starting to make their rounds."

"Have any of these witnesses described what the ape looked like? I can imagine some of them must have been very close to the encounter."

The screen cut to Latrelle again. "Well, Chloe, the people I've talked to were all in shock at just how big this guy really is. Two of the zookeepers have clocked him in at 7 feet tall at the shoulder, with maybe a foot or two extra if he stands up on his hind legs."

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