Author's Notes

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Hello, everyone!

This fanfiction begins a series of novelizations of various video games in the main "Super Mario" series timeline. Since I'm throwing all the way back to "Donkey Kong", it's safe to assume that I'll be going through the series in chronological order (or as close to it as possible.) I might skip through some games in the timeline, (i.e. SMB2 and SMB3, as those have been portrayed simply as a dream and a stage production, respectively, or the New SMB games, because technically their storylines, gameplay mechanics, and end goals are nearly exactly the same). I will also not be covering the spin-offs (for obvious reasons). Depending on my work/school schedule, the updates might become a little sporadic, so thank you in advance for being so patient with me.

As another quick sidenote, because there is not a lot of detail in these cut-and-dry storylines to begin with, I will be peppering in a few of my headcanons for some of these characters and games every now and then, like sprinkling in a few Italian words and expressions here and there, for example. (I'll be doing that a LOT, by the way.)

Thank you all for reading through these notes, so without further ado...

Avanti!! (Let's go!)


Any official characters and locations belong to the Super Mario and Donkey Kong series, and are thereby considered the intellectual properties of Nintendo. Any original content, including original characters and headcanons, belongs to me. Furthermore, any similarities to other headcanons and original characters is entirely coincidental.

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