Yuma Mukami x Reader

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The girl had her eyes fixed on the now destroyed garden in what could only be described as absolute horror. Yuma had gone away for three days with his brothers to meet with Karlheinz and his sons. She had done everything he had told her to do in order to keep the garden healthy but all her efforts had quite obviously failed as she was now looking at a completely destroyed vegetable plot.

"Oh God! I have about an hour until Yuma gets home and when he sees this he's gonna flip!" She began running her hands through her hair and pacing up and down like a maniac.

There had been a storm the previous night but she feared that Yuma would blame her and say that she either had not taken proper precautions or that she had done something wrong in the first place. She had barely sixty minutes until an angry Yuma hurricane swept through the mansion to see his now obliterated vegetables and started destroying everything in anger.

She spent the next hour trying to save as much of the garden as she could before they returned.

She stood by the door completely filthy awaiting their arrival. It did not take long for the limo to come into her line of sight and she began to fidget like she was covered in fleas.

Ruki got out first and was quickly followed by an eager Yuma who was desperately trying to get past his elder brother.

"Y-Yuma! I can explain!" She yelled as he tore past her and straight through the mansion.

She began to sweat in fear as the other three approached her.

"So" Kou cooed. "Did Yuma's precious veggies get destroyed in last night's storm? Or perhaps you just didn't take care of them in the first place~" He smirked at her cruelly.

"It was the storm and I couldn't save them. I tried to sort out what I could before you got here-"

"That would explain why you are so filthy." Ruki commented and looked down at his now dirty carpet in disdain.

"Sorry about the mess."

"Yuma?" She murmured softly as he walked back in.

"It's not your fault..." He grumbled. "But you still owe me... A kiss and your help in rebuilding my garden."


Author Chan- God I can't even write anymore Yuma!!!

Yuma- Yeah you can just not very well.

Author Chan- I am getting better should be more updates soon.

~Author Chan.

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