Subaru Sakamaki x Reader

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They were after her... Again. She had almost hoped that now with a new sacrificial bride in the picture that they would leave alone. But no. Of course they still pursued their favorite blood bag. She knew that when she came along Kanato was already busy turning Miss Komori into one of his Dolls. The whole point of her being here was to satisfy their thirst for blood but recently they had been far too persistent. The only ones who had even been a little bit restrained was the eldest, Shu and the youngest, Subaru.

"I'm back!" Came a yell from downstairs.

"Oh thank God!" The girl shouted and pelted down the stairs to meet the albino male.

"Y/N?! You here? I got the stuff for your room!" He watched as the H/L girl came running towards him as fast she could.

"Your brothers are insane! Laito was literally just following me around the mansion, Ayato was going to block my escape route, Kanato said he's gonna to turn me into one of his Dolls and Reiji is in is lab... Preparing a drug to KNOCK ME OUT WITH!!! Subaru I need a hug! And please don't say no." She gushed whilst he just stood there being forced to listen to everything she had to say and at the very end he blushed.

"Let's go out to the garden then." he sighed, still a little flustered. She nodded and followed him back out the front door and round the side of the mansion until they came to the white rose garden.

"Better?" He asked then walked away from her.

"Hey! Subaru! Where are you going?! I still need that hug!"

"Stay over there! Away from me! You complain about my brothers chasing you and yet you hang out with me..." he mumbled.

"Of course I do Subaru. you're not like your brothers." She insisted. "You are kind and sweet! Not to mention helpful! Come here so I hug you and then we'll both feel better... How's that sound?"

"Tch. Fine." He walked back over to her and smiled whilst wrapping his arms around her. "Love you."

"I love you too." She grinned.

Author chan- How'd I do Subaru kun?

Subaru- I'm not gonna read it...

Author chan- You're literally reading it right now. Tsundere...

Subaru- WHAT WAS THAT???!!!

Carla- Why have I not made an appearance yet?

Author chan- Because you're not until after Azusa kun.

Carla- Well at least you are doing it in a certain order. I am before Shin though, correct?

Author chan- Of course you are Ham kun-

Shin- Yes Nii san you are before me... But not in her favorites list.

Author chan- SHIN!!! Now the, before Carla starts chasing Shin with his ham knife, I'm gonna go. Till next time! :D.

~Author chan

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