Ayato Sakamaki x Reader

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Y/N walked around the corridors of the Sakamaki mansion... She was completely and utterly lost.

She knew she was near someone's bedroom because se could hear them breaking things in there. She assumed that it was not Shu, Reiji or Laito's rooms because the breaking sounded deliberate. Maybe it belongs to Subaru or Kanato because they would seem like the sort of people to break things deliberately.

There was another loud crash and then one final loud THUD!!!

"That didn't sound good." She muttered under her breath. The whole mansion seemed to go silent before Reiji appeared beside her.

"What did you do, annoying little human?" He sounded beyond irritated.

"That wasn't me! It came from that room there." She pointed at the room where all the commotion had been coming from.

"Ayato? Strange, but not surprising." Reiji grumbled. "Go and check on him. You can deal with whatever mess he has made in his room then you can have the day vampire free... Deal?" He looked at her obviously irritated with the fact that he had just made a deal with a human.

"Deal. Wait... Why are you suddenly all interested in making deals with me?" She frowned in confusion and looked up at Reiji.

"That's because Ayato does not make a mess of his room very often... But when he does, well, let's just say that he usually takes about a week to clean it all up."

"Fantastic." She sighed but then took a step towards the door.

"He is all yours." Reiji smirked then vanished.

The girl knocked on the door uncertainly.

"Um Ayato kun? Are you ok in there? Reiji kun asked me to help you clear up all the mess you made." She cringed inwardly, that sounded a little harsh.

"Come on in Y/N..." A broken sounding voice came from inside the room.

" That's not like you. You didn't call me Pancake/Melons for once but I mean I'm not complai-" She pushed open the door and saw the horror of Ayato's mess.

"Just clean it... I don't wanna hear your crap right now." He was sat up in the Iron Maiden he used as a bed sometimes. His knees were drawn up to his chest and his face was covered by his bangs.

"Hey." She whispered softly and walked over to him slowly. "What happened? This isn't like you." She murmured gently.

"Nothing! Alright?!" He was shaking.

"Don't lie to me Ayato kun." She placed a hand very gently on his hair and stroked his bangs away from his eyes. "Tell me." She knelt down beside the contraption.

"Just something at school." He nuzzled her hand and she felt that his cheeks were wet with tears.

"Tell me about what happened." She placed a very gentle kiss on his temple and he looked at her surprised whilst she blushed.

"I'm failing in all my subjects and... Well... It's just not FAIR!!! I'm supposed to be the best... The great Ore sama! But I'm nothing but a fake..." He growled.

"Whoa there Mister! You are the great Ore sama and that's why I... I... ummm... Love you." She died on the inside... well it was out there now and there was no going back.

She had only had her eyes closed for a matter of seconds before she felt cold lips pressed against her own warm ones.

"Yeah! I am the Great Ore sama! And I will clear up my own mess... Later, after I've finished with you." He grinned.

Author chan- And I think we all know where that was going.

Laito- Oh no I don't think I quite got it~

Author Chan- Oh yes you do! Until next time reader chan.

~Author chan.

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