Kou Mukami x Reader

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"Kou?" The girl said his name for the umpteenth time but he continued to ignore her and focus on his fangirls.

"Why don't you come over to my place later~?" One of the girls cooed seductively in his ear without even trying to be discrete.

That did it for the H/C girl. She took one last irritated glance at him and walked away.

"Are you ok Y/N?" Subaru appeared in front of her.

"Kou... He's being an ignorant ass again. He won't leave those fangirls for three seconds not even for me!" She was furious.

"But you're his girlfriend." Subaru raised an eyebrow.

"Hey babe." Kou was right behind her and she frowned unhappily.

"Sorry Kou I'm a bit busy right now... Subaru and I were just about to go to the cinema." She lied.

"No you're not." Kou snapped testily.

"Oh?" She turned and glared at him. "Fine then I guess I'll just go back to the mansion." With that she walked off again.

"What's going on with her?" Kou looked at Subaru with one eyebrow raised.

"You were ignoring her so now she is quite obviously annoyed with you." He rolled his eyes and walked away.

Kou just stood there wallowing miserably.

- 3 Hours later because Author Chan still feels partially unwell-

"Y/N?" Kou knocked on her door.

"Please go away Kou." She murmured.

"I love you and I'm sorry for ignoring you..." He paused. "Please forgive me?" She smiled opened the door gave him a quick kiss and then ran back inside her room.

"You're forgiven."

Author Chan- I am so sorry my lungs and asthma have been being dicks and it's super annoying I am so sorry for not updating.

~ Author Chan x

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