Part 7 'Unnerving'

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Now when I said close? No, not really. My visit to long pack, I couldn't just swoop down. Their city they live in doesn't have a big enough nature preserve or park for me to do that in.

So here I am, two cities away crouching in a bush. And no, it's not because when I shift I'm naked. That's the same logic as naked blondes always running around in horror movies. 

Thankfully, my kind has engineered (and with help from legendarily rare materials) a way to attach a connection to empty space with a designed carrier. It's commonly known as Fabula Possessio, or FP for short.

FP is not widely contributed due to the great shortage in materials. One is made every few decades if that says anything. I, as the queen currently carry one. The appearance looks very much like an obsidian marble, with glass and white specks dotting around it.

They range in forms, anything compatible with the connection really. My FP is the smallest out of all of them. Since I go out a lot, and absolutely can not afford losing it, my FP has been surgically combined with one of my ribs.

FP does two things:
One, when you shift, your clothes and everything else you're wearing, including makeup will turn into atoms. I can't remember the actual term. Those atoms are placed into empty space until you shift again, then they reconstruct on your body.

Two, if you are skilled enough, you can hide/transfer your spiritual essence into FP. In other words, no one can sense you are a dragon, and you would seem like a human to others. Yet, as a human, they leave a trail of their scent. Since you have no essence, you leave no scent behind. 

Of course if you step in mud, now you'll leave a scent of mud. We've already engineered a material that can make you become completely undetectable.

And that's what I'm wearing. The clothes have to go through a complicated process for them to be able to nullify any scent that they could pick up.

I grab my white little purse and pull the strap over my arm securely. 'Crest, I admit, this is unnerving being surrounded by strangers.'


Stranger danger would have to wait. I know I could rip every one of them into tiny cubes in a matter of seconds, if I wanted to. The worry I have is if I end up causing a scene. With humans every corner, I wouldn't be able to shift. My hand gun, a Glock 19 tucked reassuringly in my shorts was all the sound of mind I had.

I stand up from my crouching position and glance at my leathery bag. The roll of money in it could very easily start a scene all by itself. Humans would kill each other just for that little bit extra, which is terrifying.

Gingerly, I pull out my map with each potential bar and club circled in red. The city itself has dozens, but the pack only really goes to five. Online I searched for pictures of the insides, only to be surprised they had none. All of them seem to like their privacy.

I brush my hair down with my fingertips. It didn't take long to find the exit of the massive park I had landed in. Taking out my phone, I map it. Crest and I both grumble at the screen that pops up. Around a three hour drive. Flying would only take about five minutes, but touching down in a city would be a no go.

At the entrance of the park, I stand out by the curb, warily eyeing everyone. This is stupid, they're just soft humans with absolutely no training, who do not pose a threat whatsoever. These inferior things shouldn't stress me out.

I avert my gaze and look back down at my phone. Ahead of time, I set up this popular transport app so I would be ready to go. According to this, the Uber driver is only seven minutes away!

As I wait, my eyes stray to an ice cream stand.


'I feel like my strict diet is successful only due to you; the actual voice in my head.'

"It's true. Save all your treat trips for Given."

I got quiet at that. We are out here to find him....but I wonder...

"Do not let your mind wonder."

She's right, this is helping no one. After the minutes pass by, a black Mazda6 rolls up. A man in his mid-thirties steps out in casual wear and asks, "Miss Nira?" My eyes rake across his car, successfully finding the Uber sticker on the drivers side windshield. Satisfied, I answer back, "Yes that's me."

You should always double check if you're getting into a strangers car. He opens the car door for me. I go to get in, but now that I'm standing next to him, he's quite small. Average ladies height in human form is five foot eight, and the men's height averaging is six foot four.

I slide into the backseat even though the passenger seat is available. The destination I gave him? Closest bar which as recently discussed is a long ways away. I sit back and watch out the window as things flit past.


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