Chapter Six

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Paul walks through the woods, honestly he's looking for Mkay, has been since prom. He was so close to getting her to trust him, he even got her to smile. He's counting that as a win. He catches sight of her ahead and picks up his pace.

"I thought I'd find you out here" Paul teases moving towards Mkay who sits with her feet in the lake, she looks back at him, eyes wide, ready to bolt. "It's okay, I'm not going to make you touch me" he assures her.

"Why do you keep appearing?" she growls at him.

"I was actually actively looking for you" he answers. "I wanted to say sorry" he offers. "For what happened? If I pushed you too far" she stands and turns to him.

"In case you haven't noticed, I don't like being around people" she tells him. "And yet you still, for some reason, like to be around make me unbearably uncomfortable, you like for me to push beyond my comfort zones, you keep trying touch me, you are infuriatingly persistent" Paul smirks a little. "What do you want from me?" she asks him.

"A friend" he answers.

"Men always want something" she points out. "It's just what they do"

"So it's just men you have issues with?" Paul asks. "And if I was a woman, this wouldn't be an issue"

"But you're not a woman, are you?" she argues. "So yes, we have an issue" she turns from him.

"I'm sorry" he tells her as she walks away. "I'm sorry on behalf of all men" she stops and looks to him. "For whatever we've done to you in the past. But I'm not them" he points out. "And if you just give me a chance to prove that to you, that we can be good guys, that we're not all out to hurt you"

"You don't understand" she tells him. "It's not that simple" she shakes her head and keeps walking. Paul groans and throws his head back.

"Women" he complains. "Why is it always the hot ones that are crazy?"


Despite her insistence that she didn't want him around, Mkay would spend time with Paul in the woods all throughout the Summer break. They'd talk. Or they'd sit in silence and watch the sun set. He's been slowly getting closer to her, sitting closer to her, walking closer to her, and she's been letting it happen. But now the holidays are over and it's back to school. Which sucks for Paul cause he can't sneak away to see Mkay, he just has to stare at her from across the classroom like the others. Paul leans against a locker and looks up at the figure at his side.

"Hey" Paul greets, Emmett looks to him and raises an eyebrow.

"Why are talking to me?" Emmett asks.

"Can I ask about Mkay?"

"No" Emmett answers. "You can't" Emmett shuts his locker.

"I was just curious as to why she's....."

"It's none of your business" Emmett reminds him. "People don't want to be around her" he points out.

"Well I do" Paul argues. "I happen to enjoy being around your sister, she's smart and yeah, a little grumpy, but it's endearing, like a little angry chipmunk"

"My sister is a chipmunk?" Emmett asks crossing his arms over his chest.

"An angry chipmunk" Paul corrects but notes Emmett's expression. "Never mind" Paul grumbles.

"Mkay doesn't like men" Emmett tells her. "She doesn't let them get close to her. But you know what" Emmett steps closer to Paul. "Why don't you try" Emmett smirks. "Try" he repeats and walks away chuckling. Believing that it's never going to happen. And that Mkay may actually eat him.


Paul drops into the empty seat next to Mkay as she works in the library.

"Sooo wanna hang out?" Paul asks Mkay who lifts her eyes from her sketchbook to him.

"What?" she asks.

"Me and you, movie? Dinner?" she laughs and shakes her head. "Why are you laughing?" he asks.

"You made a joke" she answers. He shoots her a look. "It wasn't a joke?" she asks, he shakes his head. "Oh...then no" she tells him and looks down at her work.

"That's it? No?" he asks. "Why not?" she looks back to him.

"Because I don't want to" she answers. "I have work to do, can you go away?" Paul sighs.

"You know, one day, I'm gonna stop trying" he tells her standing.

"Good, make it sooner then later" she tells him. He scoffs and watches her before he decides.

"Mkay" he states, she looks up at him and he kisses her, his hands clasping her face, she takes a few seconds before she actually responds, her lips moving against his. Before she realises and pushes him away. He smirks and then walks away. Mkay reaches up and touches her lips, her eyes wide.

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