Chapter Seventeen

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The summer is filled with soft touches, embraces, romance and getting to know the pack for Mkay. She stays away from the vampire house as much as she can with the wedding planning underway. It's a painful reminder that she never got to have her own. Probably never will, Paul doesn't exactly seem the type to don a Tuxedo and flounce about with her in some elaborate event. But it's here, the wedding, and Mkay is putting on a brave face and smiling for her brother. Edward keeps throwing glances her way, small smiles that confound her, she's not sure why he keeps smiling at her like that. She turns away from him and runs her hand over her purple dress. Like her sisters but more personalised. Mkay's has a layer of purple lace over the shirt. Lace is always something she's loved in dresses. Something so feminine and soft. She looks around the reception, people smiling and laughing and having fun, and she is so out of place here. Rosalie and Emmett share a look before Emmett nods and walks away, Rosalie smirks, up to something and then turns to the woods, she nods a little and Paul appears from between the trees, he's even wearing a shirt, it's not a suit or a tuxedo but he's dressed up for her. Paul walks across the event, not caring about who he passes, his eyes are locked on Mkay. And he knows when she's seen him, her eyes change, her entire frame shifts and she smiles, her arms uncrossing and he leans down to kiss her as he reaches her.

"Miss me?" he asks, she nods pulling back from him.

"So much" she whispers warmly.

"Good, come with me?" he asks taking her hand.

"I can't leave" she whispers. "It's Edward's wedding"

"Please" he pouts at her. "You can't be having fun here, all these people...." he raises an eyebrow smiling at her. She watches him a moment before giving in, how can she say no to him when he's looking at her like that?

"Fine" she answers, he kisses her again and then leads her away from the wedding, back into the trees. Rosalie, Emmett and Edward share a look before Emmett and Rosalie walk away, disappearing from the wedding, Bella raises an eyebrow looking up at Edward, he kisses her and smirks.

"It's a surprise" he whispers against her lips. "I'll tell you later" she nods.


Rosalie makes a stop in her room to grab a few items, one of which is a dress bag.


Paul pulls Mkay along, through the trees and towards the beach, he is barely holding in his excitement and it's infectious. Her dress catches slightly on the ground and fallen trees tear at the lace but she doesn't care, she's glad to get away from all the people.

"Don't freak out" Paul tells her softly stopping her before the beach, literally the sand is right there, mere steps away. "But I was feeling epic" he admits with a smile. "And excited"

"What did you do?" she asks him, his eyes sparkling with happiness and excitement and a little bit of guilt. Paul looks at something over Mkay's shoulder and she turns to see what he does. She frowns. "Rose?" Mkay asks seeing the blonde walking towards her.

"Ask her then, mutt" Rosalie scolds lightly, waiting, Paul nods and turns back to Mkay, she watches him waiting.

"Well everyone else was doing it" he teases, Rosalie scoffs a little but there is no venom in it, not when he's seen how happy Mkay has become in the last few months, with this wolf. "I love you" Paul assures her. "With every fibre of my being....and I can't imagine you not being in my life for even a moment" he gives her a smile but there are tears in his eyes. "It's been...crazy, and scary, and I know it's been hard for you but I am so proud of the progress you've made, with me....with the pack, with your own family" Rosalie smiles to herself knowing what's coming. Paul has actually been planning this for weeks, asked Emmett and Rosalie and Carlisle for permission and help, Edward had given them his blessing to leave his own wedding to do this. "Marry me?" he asks. "Right now, on this beach...." he motions behind him to the beach.

"Are you serious?" Mkay asks him, Paul nods. "We've not even been intimate, we've not had sex"

"Being intimate is not about sex" Paul tells her. "It's about being close, we can be intimate and not need to have sex...I don't need it" she looks down a little. "M" he whispers. "I adore you" he lifts her chin and smiles at her. "I love you, seriously I love you so damn much" she smiles. "Marry me" he begs of her. "I'll get down and do the one knee thing if you really want me too..." she shakes her head and then lifts her eyes to his, she's going to give him her answer but he doesn't need the verbal confirmation of what he sees in her eyes. He smiles.

"I will marry you" she offers him, he pulls her closer and kisses her, Rosalie can't help the smile she shows, her baby sister-in-law, her best friend is happy, for the first time in so many years. Of course she's happy for her.

"Right, good" Paul teases. "Now go with Rosalie" he hands her off to the blonde as Mkay frowns.

"You need a dress" Rosalie points out. "Flowers, shoes...." Mkay's frown deepens.

"You've been planning this?" she asks accusing them both, Paul kisses her head and then flees, Rosalie smirks.

"He's....not bad" Rosalie answers walking with Mkay back through the trees, just a short way and just to the East until they come to a small cabin that looks out over the beach, Rosalie tries to keep Mkay from looking beyond the cabin, just for now, just till they're ready.

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