Chapter One

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Mary Kate Cullen. Paul Lahote thinks watching said girl walk past where he leans against his locker, his current girlfriend at his side talking about something or other he's not listening to, his eyes are glued firmly on Mkay, small, perfectly formed Mkay, long dark hair, beautiful, smooth, pale skin, and those gold eyes that mark her as a Cullen. In fact if he were to look along the corridor all male eyes would be on her. Hot would be an understatement. Alright fine, hot is a freakin' insult. He tells himself. The girl next to him is hot but Mkay. She goes so far beyond hot. He sighs softly as he reaches her locker and opens it, gracefully, quickly just as her brother approaches behind her, the big one, huge, so huge that most people are terrified of approaching the youngest Cullen. Emmett being her biological brother makes him that much more protective of her than their adoptive siblings. Emmett leans against the lockers next to his sister and she throws her head back to laugh, and every single male in the corridor smiles, almost like a reaction, seeing her happy makes them all happy. Paul's girlfriend notes his attention shifting and leans up to kiss his neck, he blinks and glances to her, she looks up at him through his lashes, but....Mkay is still stood across from him, he turns and looks back at him, the girl at his side huffs, annoyed. Two years when the Cullens had moved to town, the entire female populous groaned and the males fell smitten. Between Mkay and Rosalie there is no hope for anyone else. Mkay glances around at everyone staring at her, she looks away and down, Emmett glares at everyone, who then look away, he wraps his arm around his sister and leads her away. Once out of sight, it's like a group cloud's been lifted, and everyone's attention is gone from the Cullen girl.


Mkay hates people, she hates being around them, but given her families love of acting human, here she is, yet again, high school, her big brother at her side, his massive hand cradling her tiny one. It's hilarious the height difference sometimes, she's 5 ft 3 and him, Emmett is over 6ft, and massive, broad and muscular, Mkay is tiny, slim, she's pretty sure, no, she knows, Emmett can wrap his entire hand around her throat, all his fingers touching, that had started off as a bet, Jasper, one of their other brothers, had said it was impossible, that Mkay's throat wasn't that small, Emmett had easily proven him wrong. Alice bounces up to Mkay and loops her arm with her younger sister, Jasper on her other side.

"Why are you so happy?" Mkay asks. "It's calculus..." Alice shrugs and smiles at her sister who rolls her eyes.

"You used to like maths" Jasper points out, Mkay looks to him.

"Not for the gazzilionth time" she corrects. "There's never anything new in maths" she looks forward again, noting the eyes on her, she looks down, Emmett squeezes her hand. People staring. That's what Mkay hates the most. When she was human people used to stare at her too, she was beautiful, like old movie beautiful, all the boys wanted to be with her and all the girls were jealous of her, and then she'd 'died' and all of that was exaggerated, she lets off an air, an aura, that makes people want her, that makes them want to please her, to protect her. And it's boring and annoying. Mostly because Mkay hates people, hates men the most, but men had killed her so that was to be expected, that last minute fear, that purely heart stopping fear had been heightened when she'd been turned, she can barely manage sitting in a room with a male member of her family, let alone a stranger, because even though she is a vampire, a badass vampire, men still terrify her. Even the one that saved her life, Carlisle, she loves him, he's her father, her creator, but she can't sit beside him, she can't touch him. Emmett switches his hold on his little sister and wraps his arm around her shoulder instead, she looks to him, he gives her a small smile and kisses her forehead. Emmett. She thinks. The one man that would never harm her. And she knows that. Him she can be herself with. Him she can relax around. Him she is not afraid of. She leans her head against his shoulder as they head to their calculus class.


Mkay taps her pen against her calculus book, bored, she is so friggin' bored, she rolls her eyes and leans back in her seat, tapping her pen faster, till it snaps, she sighs and lets it crumble out of her hand. Then glances behind her as someone taps her shoulder, not many people dare approach her let alone touch her, though that surprise turns to fear instantly and her chest aches, Paul Lahote sits behind her, she's surprised she didn't smell him when she sat down, all the Quillettes have a smell about them, pre and post wolf, Sam Uley, recent graduate smelt like wet dog and the forest, Jared Cameron and Jacob Black smell like the forest, wet, after a thunderstorm, and there is wet dog there too but it's less prominent. Paul holds a pen towards Mkay and smiles, she reaches out and takes it from him.

"Thank you" she tells him, he smiles at her, looking her right in the eyes, most people don't, they get freaked out by the colour of their irises, the bright burning gold.

"You're welcome" he tells her, she turns back to her work and frowns looking at the pen.

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