Chapter Five

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Edward leans in the doorway to Mkay's bedroom, she sits watching tv on her small couch, her head resting on her arms on the back of it.

"Thank you" he tells her.

"Hmmm okay" she answers.

"I mean it, Mary Kate"

"I hope she's worth it" she states. "Putting your family at risk for some human" Edward looks down and nods.

"I think she is...." Mkay scoffs.

"Yeah, okay" she tells him disbelieving as she stands. "She's so worth it, you'd risk the rest of us for her"

"Mkay" he warns.

"Men are only ever after one thing" Mkay tells him. "And they disguise it as love" Edward looks down at her sadly.

"Mary Kate, one day you will meet a man that makes you change your mind" he tells her, she looks up at him.

"I hope not" she responds and then moves back to her couch. "No man makes me do anything" she tells him over her shoulder.

"You know what I meant" he corrects. "I'll fall in love and you'll change your own mind"

"I was in love once" she reminds him. "And he..." she looks away. "Look what happened"

"That was not love, Mkay" he tells her sadly.

"But I thought it was" she shrugs. "Even if I did" she looks up at him. "How can I ever tell if it's real? Because of" she spits. "I will never be able to tell what's real" she shakes her head and moves back to the couch.

"I can tell" Edward tells her. "When someone is under your.....spell" she shoots him a look, he knows she hates that phrase. "Their thoughts are all cloudy, and when you leave they don't think twice, but there are a few that think of you after, it means that even without your gift, they want to be around you"

"Like who?" she asks.

"All of us" Edward answers. "Your family" She sits down.

"You don't count" she points out. "And it's not like it matters, I can' in the same room as a man, you're stood outside the threshold" she points out motioning to the door frame. "How can..."

"The right person will fix that" Edward tells her. "It's going to be okay" she shakes her head and looks away. Edward watches her a moment before leaving, Mkay pulls her legs up under herself.


Mkay jumps up onto a fallen tree and balances her way across it easily. A twig snaps behind her and she rolls her eyes. She just wants to be left alone and she even get five minutes in the peace of the forest.

"What do you want, Paul?" she asks without looking up.

"I was running, saw you...thought I'd say hello" he answers, she jumps down from the tree.

"Goodbye, Paul" she tells him walking away.

"Why do you do that?" he asks. "Do you just...hate people?" he asks cocking his head.

"Yes" she answers.

"What happened?" he asks sadly, she turns and frowns at him. "To make you so...this" Paul waves over her. "Something must have seriously messed with you"

"You have no idea" she answers before leaving, Paul sighs and holds out his hands.

"Just give me something" he begs to empty space. Mkay leans against a tree and closes her eyes.


Mkay runs her hand over her dress and then crosses her arms over her chest, she doesn't want to be there, she didn't want to come, she has no idea why they thought this would be good for her. Prom. Seriously, how is this a good idea? Especially considering she has no date, how she is now the only one without a mate. She is completely and utterly alone. Paul clears his throat, Mkay looks to him, his hand held out towards her, she looks to it and then to him.

"Dance with me" he asks, Mkay shakes her head.

"No" she tells him and looks away.

"Come on" Paul begs. "You look miserable stood here alone"

"I'm fine" she argues.

"Oh come on" Paul grabs Mkay's wrist.

"Don't touch me" Mkay hisses and snatches her hand back and looks to him terrified, Paul stares at her, sees it now, someone has hurt her in the past, and that's why she doesn't like being around other people, doesn't like people touching her, why it's men she has an issue with. She backs away.

"Mkay" he whispers, she shakes her head, Emmett appears at her back, she hangs her head, Emmett glares at Paul

"Leave now" Emmett growls wrapping an arm protectively around his little sister.

"Mkay" Paul states. "I didn't..." he looks to her sadly. "I'm sorry" he offers and then walks away.


Paul watches Mkay as she leaves the hall, alone, before he follows her, okay, he's being borderline stalker but he just...he wants to apologise.

"Mkay" Paul states behind her. She glances over her shoulder at him. "I am really sorry" he offers. "About before...."

"Don't worry about it" she tells him turning forward again, wrapping her arms around herself.

"What happened?" he asks quietly.

"None of your business" she hisses and turns to him. "Why the interest?" she asks. "In case you haven't noticed people don't approach my family. So what is it that you want?"

"Is it so hard to believe that I like you?" he asks stepping towards her, she steps back from him. "That I find you interesting, and smart, and beautiful" she looks away from him.

"Everyone thinks that" she states.

"I know there is something about you" Paul points out. "I don't know what it is, but the way people look at you.....but I'm the only one that seeks you out" he smirks. "And I know you find that intriguing" he teases.

"I don't" she argues.

"Little bit" he teases holding up his fingers, she rolls her eyes, he motions with his fingers and pouts at her. She smiles. "Wow" he breathes. She looks to him.


"Your smile" he tells her, she looks away and she knows if she could, she would be blushing. Paul moves closer. "Look, I don't know what it is" she looks to him. "Why I want to be around you, Mkay" he holds out his hand towards her. "But it has to work both ways....I'm not going to hurt you. Take my hand" she looks to him and then to his hand, her fingers flexing against her stomach. "Try something new" he whispers. "Trust me" he wiggles his finger.

"I can't" she tells him backing away. "I can't" she looks to him sadly before walking away, Paul lowers his arm and watches her go.

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