"This one like you?" I ask Orion

"Yes, Iam a werelion general" she replied "I see you've made up with my brother"

"No" I said
"Yes" he said

"Right~~" Carissa said teasingly
"You guys are cute but I have parties to plan so if there's nothing else, I'd like to be excuse, no offense General?"

"No, I actually need your help, I'm gonna need you to teach my future wife here about etiquette, dance, art, languages, politics, history, management and so forth"

"Wait, what?" I glared at him.

"You're going to be a Queen of this country, I assume you know what that means? Governing"

"You're seriously trusting me with that?"

"You might not trust me yet but yes I'm putting my trust in you. You will be in charge of a lot of lives and I believe you're familiar in that area" Orion took a bundle of paper on his desk and handed it to me.


"What's this?"

"They're marriage papers, everything about your job is there"

I took it and scrolled through them, estates, allowances, living quarters, duties and on the last page divorce which says no divorce under any condition. So this is a lifetime deal.

"I don't want to"

"I insist"

"You can't force me"

"Yes I can"

"What are you going to do?"

"Please, sign it"

"Oh! Now he knows the word please"

"They're just formalities Val, we'll be married in two weeks time"

"What did you say?? Two weeks? And you didn't think to mention it?"

"I was about to tell you" he replied

He's doing it again. Always deciding things for me with no regard. I feel like a prisoner and my free will taken away. Does my opinion matter at all?

"Not tell. Ask. You should learn to differentiate the two"

"Fine. I'm asking you now to please sign it"

The lessons, marriage contract, even the wedding. He planned it all, I'm not a Queen, I'm just a pawn in his chessboard. Had he discuss this with me before then maybe I would've considered it.

Gripping the papers hard, I threw them to his feet. "I won't sign it, your people is not my people"  He looks mad now, his chest moving up and down.

"And who exactly is your people? The one that offers you up for sale? You didn't mean anything to them but you can be something more here"

How dare he, that's it.
"Fuck you Orion, I never asked to be something more than I was, I didn't ask to be a Queen nor a lady or whatever it is you want me be to become! I was fine on my own, without you! Stop deciding things for me! I can make my own choices"

He laughs sarcastically and step closer and closer "And would you agree if I asked? Would you? You've refused and rejected me since the first time we met, do you even know how that makes me feel? As a werelion finally finding his fated?"

"No, I wouldn't and I don't want to know"

"Then what do you want huh? You don't want to stay with me. You obviously can't go back to your country, they'll kill you and I'll kill them. And I can't send you to fight my wars. So what do you want!?" he's half shouting now.

"I want to fight! I don't belong in palaces, I live on the battlefield"

"This is a fight! A bigger fight, a fight that determines countless of lives. Think Val, don't be stupid. Not every war is about killing. Look at the bigger picture, poverty, sickness, politics, they are also a war" his eyes turn gold.

"Don't call me stupid you jerk. It might be a fight but it ain't mine" I push his chest with my index finger.

He sigh "Just sign it Val, you're mine either way, your mark shows that much"

"My mark?" I touch my neck, that got my blood boiling "A mark that you forced on me remember! And almost got me killed! You know, you're not really consistent are you Orion, for someone who's liberating slaves you went ahead and branded me for life!"

His eyes went wide and he's out for words. Looking defeated, Orion mumbled curse words but they were fading out cause I was already stomping my way back to my room.

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