Episode 9

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Reader POV

I've thought some of this over. I don't think I should tell him how I got here, but I will definitely tell him who I am and what I want to do. Well, not all of what I want to do. I'll tell him that later on. For now, I need to get ready to go to the meeting. 

I start to get ready for work, as I had to be there early because it was a weekend. I grab a small bag and put my phone, charger, and dirty magazine of Misa in it. It'll be his next clue. I tell light's mom goodbye and head off.        

As I get there the staff greets me, and I get in my uniform to start work. 


It's about 3, so I start to get back into my normal clothing. I head to the booth that Light takes L to, and sit there. 

"Hey, Hinaka! What are you doing? Didn't your shift just finish?" One of my co-workers asks. I didn't think I'd need her in the future so I never bothered to learn her name.

"Oh, I'm waiting for someone here, uh, sorry but what was your name again? I'm terrible with names." I ask her, using a similar excuse Light used. Knowing her name wouldn't hurt. 

"Oh, it's no problem. My name is Sue." She responds. (If you name Sue, then pronounce Sue differently or something) 

"That's a nice name." I compliment her. 

"Thanks. I'll let you get back to your waiting then!" She says with a smile, walking off. 


It's almost 3. I think I've had enough time to get what I am going to say. I head over to Watari, and he leads me outside to my limo. He opens the door for me, and I get in sitting in my crouching like way. He starts the limo, and we are off to the place that Hinaka works. Odd way of telling someone where to meet up. If I didn't ask Mr. Yagami were Hinaka works, I would be a little lost. Though they did know that we were doing surveillance, so there is a chance they just figured I would figure it out. Soon we are almost there, and I will finally be able to see who I am meeting up with. I have a feeling I know who it is, but it's only a 57% chance, so I can't be completely sure.

We stop in front of the café, and I walk in. Everyone is to busy with there own conversations to dwell on my appearance for very long after looking to see who was at the door. After I look around for a bit, a waitress walks up to me. 

"Are you here meeting someone?" Asks the woman. 

"Yes," I tell her in a very monotone. 

"Well, you look exactly like the description she gave me, so follow me." She said, signaling with her hand for me to follow her. I follow because I have no idea who I am looking for, and no one was waving me down. She soon led me to a table where no one was seated. 

"Just wait here a few minutes. They will be right out." She tells me, and I comply, sitting the same way I always do. She looks at me in confusion for a second, but shrugs it off and walks away. 

Reader POV

I sat there for a little and had a sudden thought. Wait, Light said that they would be hard to see because they were so out of the way. I'll just tell Sue to pick him up for me. I wave to Sue, and she quickly comes over to me. 

"Is there anything wrong?" She asks. 

"Yes, actually. I would like to ask if, when you see my friend, you bring him over to me." I ask her. 

"Sure! What do they look like?" She asks. 

"He will be wearing a baggy long-sleeve white T-shirt and baggy blue jeans, down to his feet. He has raven black hair, that isn't too long, his eyes have bags under them like he hasn't slept in weeks, and he'll walk kind of hunched." I describe to Sue. 

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