Episode 1

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(Songs are always optional)


For now, I just need to wait. The anime opens with the shinigami realm and Light in school. In the anime time skips, sadly I have to wait until school is out. So I can follow him home. I do need a place to stay, so if my plan goes according to plan I will be all sorted out.


I see light walk out of the school and immediately start to laugh. It's crazy. Though I snap out of it and start to follow him. The anime never actually showed where he lived so this is my best bet. Luckily I was naturally gifted with being sneaky. (If not, congratulations, you now have a new talent) Light's house is ideal for a place to stay as he has a kind mom, and this way I can keep up with the story.

I can't ask them now because I know Light is smart. Since he is home he will immediately find inaccuracies in my story. His mom isn't shown to be as smart so I think it will be best to ask when she is there and Light isn't. Though, I didn't plan on sleeping. I'M IN THE ANIME WORLD!!! THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN OFTEN!!! SCRATCH THAT, AT ALL!!!!! I'M WAY TO EXCITED TO SLEEP!!!! That and I need to spend this time working on my plan for everything and what I will tell Light's mom.

(Time skip cause the plan is a secret, now no talk, just plan)

The school finally let out. I only waited this long because in the anime Light says something about his mom usually being home before him and I want to be seen as a student. Which means I should get there around when Light's school get's out so I don't look suspicious. His mom would probably be more willing to let me stay if she thought I was a young student. This way I could also be a possible Kira suspect. Just so I am in direct contact with L. It turns to about the time they get out so I turn the corner and I knock on the door. His mom answers.

"Why hello there young lady!" YES! She thinks I look young, this makes things a lot easier. Originally if she thought I looked older I would have told her my excuse but this saves me some trouble. I was a bit worried because I'm 20. (If not, then you are now, enjoy your adult life) Now I just got to get her to let me stay. I rethink my plan and figure out which part to say considering her reaction. Luckily I took my bag.

"Hello to you too ma'am. I would like to know if I could stay here, I'll pay you 2000yen for each night, so I wouldn't be freeloading, and I'll buy my own food so it wouldn't be troubling you at all." I say trying to be as nice as possible. Kindness tends to be best with these things, learned that after I forgot the house key and my parents were out of town for the week. I was about 15 when that happened. Luckily my wallet had enough cash in there. I took from L and just used cash before this. Initially, I was going to spend it on Death Note stuff and my bills, but this proves far more useful.

"May I ask why?" She said.

"I was recently kicked out of my parent's house, and I have nowhere else to stay. I don't have enough to buy a hotel room or anything like that, and I heard a police officer lives here so I'd be safe, so I thought I might as well try." If I ever heard this I personally wouldn't let them stay, but Mrs. Yagami is a very nice lady, not to mention the Kira killings haven't started yet. I have nothing dangerous-looking on me and appear to be a student down on their luck. So it should work. I just hope I was right.

"If you don't mind me asking, why were you kicked out?" She asked. No matter how much I thought, I couldn't come up with a good reason as to why they would kick me out last night. They all seemed so edgy and unrealistic. So I hope this will work.

"I'd rather not talk about it," I say shyly trying to sound as if its something very sad, while I looked at the floor. Look's like that acting class (B/f) made me take weren't as useless as I thought.

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