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Reader POV

"This world is rotten," said Light.

"What are you doing (y/n)?" (B/f) asked.

"I'm watching Death Note."



"Well, it's your 10th time watching it."

"I know what you mean. I haven't even made it to 20."

"You missed the point." 

"I think you may have missed my point." I joke. 

"Fine, I'll stop..... For now." I tell her.

"FINALLY!" She says with relief as she starts talking to me about other anime and such.


I got home after a while and pick up where I left off.

Soon the potato chip scene comes on. Oh, there is no way I'm not doing this. I pause the screen and get some chips. I unpause the screen and, in sync with Light, say

"I take a potato chip, and eat it!" 

Perfect!! And now I have chips.

(One Death Note series and almost having a heart attack due to the sadness of L's death later)

I immediately open YouTube to look at my recommended videos cause I have nothing better to do. Though soon I found a video called "How to enter the anime realm". Yeah, there's no way this thing is working, but the explanation they gave makes a lot of sense so, why not try? I grab my bag and put only necessities like my phone, charger, and wallet and put them in on the less than 1% chance this might work and read the spell.

"Skedaddle, skedde, the anime world now has me!"

All I had to do now was think about the English dubbed version of Death Note. The spell said to do this so I am in the correct anime, and the English dubbed so I am not stuck with a bunch of people I can't understand.

Now as I said before there was only a less than 1% chance this was gonna work, so imagine my surprise when I'm directly outside Light's high school. The only thing I manage to say was,

"Well damn."

In A New World (L x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें