Episode 7

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Reader POV

I really have nothing to do today other than going to work, today's Saturday, after all. I can't hang out with Ryuk again because he and Light left a little while ago to go deliver Mr. Yagami a change of clothes while stopping along the way to kill Naomi. I wait a while then start heading off to work. As I am walking there, I see Light, Naomi, and Ryuk. I saw Light writing, then Naomi walks off. I watched as she walked off to go hang herself. I just stand there staring at them. I know I should be staring out of pity or guilt, as I could have done something, but I just couldn't help but stare evilly. A grin graced my face. I then see Light turn, probably feeling my stares. His cocky look, soon changing into a look of shock, confusion, and, most of all, fear. I also then see Ryuk looking scared and trying to hide behind Light. This made me give a slight giggle. I  just stood there for a minute, they didn't do anything. It's was as if I had paralyzed them with just my look. They stood, 100% still as if when they moved, I would kill them with my look alone. That's the great thing about anime. Scary looks are amplified by 100000% percent, depending on how scary you want to look.  Light tried to relax, setting filling with my bloodlust. But just then, I walk away with the same grin still on my face. I know I had to get to work, but why not mess with Light. It sure was fun. I have a way of getting into people's heads. I get into someone's head, have them think something, then stray completely from that. You could say I'm 100% random, but then to contradict that statement, I've planned this whole thing out from the beginning. Crazy, isn't it? Now that look he had..... It's the look of the weak..... I want to play with his head... I want to build him up, then BREAK him.... See him crumble, see the exact moment life leaves his eyes.....


Light POV

I finally got rid of her. I feel someone watching me.  I was shocked to see Hinaka. And though I was shocked to see her, I was even more shocked to see the look she was giving me. I have never seen a look like that in my life, well unless you count cartoons or anime's, but never on a real person. I'm exceedingly confused as to why she would be grinning. She has no reason to be grinning like that. Even if she did know what I just did, which I wouldn't doubt that she does, she has no proof. I felt as though I was paralyzed. I even feel Ryuk hide behind me, and a small sense of relief falls over me, as I am now sure that it's not just me. I lose all track of time. Then she just leaves. Hinaka has never made me feel this emotion before. It's a mix of shock, confusion, and fear. As she leaves I see multiple people look around, all their gazes landing on her. Looks like everyone could feel her bloodlust.

"W-Wh-Why was she g-grinning like that?" Ryuk suddenly says and I snap out of my trance. 

"I'm not sure?" I say low and seriously so only Ryuk would be able to hear. 

"Though, I think things are about to get a lot more interesting." I say returning back to my cocky state. 

"Why do you say that?" Ryuk says still a bit shaken up.

"Judging by the look that was in her eyes, I wouldn't doubt that she has something planned, So be prepared Ryuk." I respond in the same tone.

"Oh. How interesting." Ryuk says in his normal tone whenever he says that line. 

      Ok so this chapter really was short. All this was, was a continuation of Light being able to finally kill Naomi. So instead of making this the most boring chapter ever, I decided to spice it up with a little drama. I also left a secret message to make up for the short chapter. If you can tell me the message you get a shout out in the book. It's not a nice one but it's a message. I thought it would go with the scary feeling of this chapter. Now I am warning you now. If you are in a rush stop reading here. The next chapter is very long.  Don't say I didn't warn you. As always if there are any spelling, grammar, punctuation, or story errors, please tell me and I will fix the immediately. I will also be able to answer any question you guys have if you ask them in the comments. I will answer all of them.

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