Chapter-The End

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One Month Later

     The past month had been hectic with the trial going on and the jury making a decision on whether to find them guilty was going to take five days but with the several mini-stories I was working on it had me busy from the whole vampire business occurring in the deep puddle of the city.

     I was running countless errands ignoring the turmoil that Aubrey and I weren't on speaking terms and the voicemails that Hybrids were leaving. It was a long month that had me withering with unbearable stress.

     The list names that the leader handed to me still hung on a magnet fridge preferring to ignore them the problem was always going to be it was an endless rage that boiled. When I attacked that woman Benjamin was watching for any other signs while Ivan tried to lighten the mood; the concern was that I losing touch with my human side and that I needed to take it temporarily.

     Dropping my bags by the door I landed on the sofa kicking my shoes off in the corner then relaxing the tense muscles in my body, "I'm home." I said tiredly.

     Ivan sped in front of me looping an arm around my waist with a swift dip of a kiss that was chaste, but hinted at his emotions that he missed me. I smiled from ear to ear as he pulled me back up to my feet holding onto his arms sensing the tension when he will usually come back from cleaning the house.

     "Beautiful as ever." Ivan winked playfully, pushing a lock of brown hair behind my ear.

     Ivan pressed his forehead on mine nestling his nose in the crook of my neck he dragged the addiction of his lips back on mine, "I wasn't gone that long." I amused fluttering my eyes closed.

     His hands cradled my cheeks tipping my chin up to meet his lips, "You'll start learning he's a tease and has a thing for Greek tragedy." Benjamin noted jokingly.

     I laughed, glancing over to Benjamin whose leaning against the sofa with love and admiration in his eyes that he shared for both us. Ivan rolled his eyes aware that we were all here together, for once.

     Ivan walked over to Benjamin pecking his lips nudging his shoulder, but the love in their eyes for one another proved the depressing history that forced them to be apart. It was as if for the first time in years they got to be more human than they ever were before.

     "I was able to transfer here to New York, with some convincing," Benjamin told us with a sheepish smile.

     "New York is a better hunting ground," Ivan mentioned coyly winking at us.

     Benjamin narrowed his eyes speeding to the room then back to the living room tossing an animal blood bag to Ivan in which he rolled his eyes at the nonsense, "Buzz killer." He said annoyingly.

     Ivan was would go to DUMBO to refresh on human blood or go to a feeding clinic, but we settled down ground rules that Animal blood was safer and we'll keep two bags of human blood stashed for emergencies. It also helped that I fed on solids since I didn't want to lose touch with my human side. I knew too much blood would cause another outburst.

     While Ivan fed on the bag Benjamin sauntered right over asking, "How are you feeling?" He caressed the bridge of his knuckles on my cheek.

     Pressing a hand on his I kissed the palm of his hand replying, "I'm getting better, but Aubrey...I miss them, they still refuse to see me."

     "Give them time, they woke up confused and hurt that Franco was dead." Benjamin sighed casting his eyes to the side.

     I chuckled shaking my head aware of the stubbornness Aubrey harbors underneath all of their bravadoes, "I hope your right."

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