Chapter 4

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Picture of Franco


          Going straight to Central Park buddled with a coat and mittens Franco was waiting at the usual bench, but he paced back forth appearing to be in distress; there was uneasiness the stench of cigarette smokes surrounded him. There were a few smoke buds on the floor circling him waiting was taking its toll on him.

          Arriving Franco pulled me into a tight hug, squeezing the air out of my lungs sobs escaped him, clutching me closer I noticed Benjamin coming right up behind him a look of despair scambling his eyes. I pulled away uncertain of what's going on a piece of the puzzle missing.

          Looking between them Franco wiped the tears regaining as much composure he could conjure, "It's Aubrey-" Stumbling to the bench I looked down mouth gaped.

          "-They...they're in the hospital, their intern found them beaten, they're in a coma. When I went in everything was a wreck." Looking away I prowled drifting along with the wind allowing the rage to turn a hot-boiling-red.

          The rage blossomed, it overtook me navigating through the blinded streets shouldering past people nameless calls mumbled right past me, gripping right over to where the police station was. I felt the fangs threatening to release the rippled pain erupting, witnessing blood that deserved be severe is what he deserved.

          Watching him leave the station sauntering down the steps I glared momentarily, gingerly touching the street light post, sliding down the eruption was too much everything was happening at once pouring over and drowning me. It's wrath so unimaginable stabbing all at once leaving nothing to escape too.

         Embraced tightly I clawed into their back digging barrier of my nails into their back muffling my screams in his chest devoured the blood drowning me, "I got you." He whispered with reassurance.

          His entire nature enchanted a calming aroma his fingers threaded through the waves of my brown hair holding one another tightly breathing in his sweet scent. We were beginning to weave together, but the thought of that was pathetically blowing it off as a moment of weakness.

          Assisting me in his room I took a seat on a chair by the patio window looking to the windy weather, "I need to visit her, staying here feeling sorry for myself isn't going to help." I attempted to leave until he blocked me.

          "You need to rest, you sped out of there so fast that Franco couldn't keep up with you. I needed to run after you. I know you want to visit your friend but control yourself first or you're going to wound up hurting someone." Benjamin's tone was calm and instructive.

          Sitting on the chair the outburst of emotions were overbearing, the fear of losing control again wasn't something I wanted either. Resting the nerves were beaming quietly, closing my eyes to hear the crackling of the rain from outside. A course of soft gentle making hands messaged the scalp of my hair as a small moan escaped.

          Thoughts of Aubrey made its way wishing that I was there for them that I didn't spend the last two days scouring the surface for the other victim's backgrounds. I should have watched their behind to protect them from the dangers of the investigation. This story was supposed to be harmless a simple act of violence to catch the killer, but now I wasn't so sure.

          Relaxing under his touch every single negative thought fluttered away, leaning on his hand that brushed through the tangles of my hair easing through the length, "You're too good at this." I chuckled grabbing his hands I smoothly parted from his touch.

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