The Night We Met (Again)

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"So tell me about yourself," Keith said, walking through the park hand in hand with Pidge.

"I don't think there's nothing I haven't told you about," she laughed, bowing her head.

"Pidge, this is us re-introducing ourselves. Come on," he teased, "tell me about yourself. Everything. I want to be able to memorize every important part of you."

"Fine," she laughed, looking up at him. "You're such a pain in my ass. You know that, right?

"Come on," he said playfully, "tell me."

"Hm. Well, where do I start? I'm a surgeon at Altea Hospital, a third year resident with a passion for neuro and cardiothoracic surgery. I have a brother who's an evil spawn, but he's an attending so I have to be nice to him."

"Anything else I should know?"

"Well, I'm pretty stubborn when it comes to getting help," she giggled. "When I'm working mid-surgery, I hate when people try to help me because I know what I'm doing. Uhm, I also love sweets. Like, so much, it's ridiculous."

"Really? Which ones?" Keith asked, looking down at her.

"Well, I really like peanut butter cookies. I like peanut butter, but I hate peanuts. They're so dry," she gagged. "Oh, and I also sweat a lot. Unrelated to the peanuts."

"If you're pregnant, I don't think you have peanuts," Keith snickered, the girl shoving him slightly in the ribs.

"Don't be insensitive. What else should I say?"

"I don't know. Family life? Love life?"

"I already told you that I had a brother. His name is Matt, and he's actually an angel compared to me. I'm the actual evil spawn, like my mom," she laughed. "My mom is a general surgeon at a hospital outside of state. My dad is an aerospace engineer."

"So you're practically rich, huh."

"Basically," she grinned, "although, I don't like to talk about that. Money doesn't mean that much to me. I mean, sure, it's a great thing to have, but not the best. I prefer to be loved than to have a thousand riches."

"Practical and beautiful," Keith smiled. "You're literally perfect."

"Well, not really. You see, I kinda had this messed up relationship that I refused to leave, and ended up getting pregnant with someone else's kid," she snorted, looking up at Keith in amusement. "He actually kinda looks like you."

"Who, the crazy ex boyfriend?"

"No, the father of my child," she laughed, shaking her head. "God, Keith. Stop playing the dense card. You know this already."

"Fine. Anything else you want to tell me?"

"Uhm, sometimes I really wanna snip my ex's strand of hair off. It's like, really annoying," she shuddered. "It's always in his face, and it's so distracting. He's distracting as well with his constant hovering. He's generally annoying."


"And I'm still dating him," she sighed. "Oh, yeah. I'm dating both you and another guy at the same time. That a problem?"

"What? A problem? Ha!" Keith forced himself laugh, "why would you think–? No! That's not a problem at all! I mean, it is 2019, right? Absolutely fine!"

"Keith, you're trying too hard."

"At least I'm trying."

Pidge rolled her eyes, glancing around the park trail. "Why'd you bring me to the park? It's dark and the only things I can see are fireflies."

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