Y/N: Good then don't interfere my relationship with Mark

Lee Hoseok: You guys are a thing now!?

Y/N: I was joking, just don't act like you control Mark and I's friendship

Lee Hoseok: Who said I was

Y/N: Me

Lee Hoseok: I don't like you but I do at the same time

Y/N: I don't date hoes so clearly you are not my type

Lee Hoseok: Ha

Y/N: I already have eyes for someone anyways

Lee Hoseok: Mark?

Y/N: No, Wonho of MONSTA X

Lee Hoseok: Excuse me who?

Y/N: MONSTA X's Wonho

Lee Hoseok: You have a crush on an idol, good luck with that

Y/N: I haven't met him yet because my step brother won't let me meet his bandmates yet

Lee Hoseok: Who's your step brother?


Lee Hoseok: Really? I happen to be friends with him

Y/N: I've met all of his friends, I don't recall a 'Lee Hoseok'

Lee Hoseok: I befriended him last week

Y/N: What

Lee Hoseok: Yep

Y/N: Ok... well speak of the devil Changkyun is actually texting me right now

Lee Hoseok: You should totally text him instead right now

Y/N: That's the plan

Lee Hoseok: I have my own business I should take care of right now


My phone battery lights up red, signaling it needs to be charged. I ignore it and continue to wait for Katie at her place. I decided I would surprise her when she comes back from what she desperately had to do causing her to cancel our date.

I go and lie on her couch, staring at the ceiling. Getting hot, I unbutton the first three buttons of my shirt. What if Y/N was right about Katie cheating on me? Well, its time to find out now.

In perfect timing, Katie enters brightly with a smile plastered all over her face.

"Boo." I lift myself up and face her from the couch. "How did you get here?" Katie becomes startled. "I have the keys to the place too."

"Oh right." she sighs and sets her phone and purse on the kitchen counter. "Did you take care of your emergency?" I ask, coming closer to her.

"Yeah." She simply says, avoiding eye contact. "Ok, well I should be going now." I button up my shirt and walk to the door. "Ok, bye." Katie picks up her phone and starts to message someone.

"Aren't you going to ask me why I'm leaving so early?" I stop and turn around, watching her type. "Why should I?" she replies not looking up from her phone. She then smiles for a brief second.

"Who are you texting?" I ask curious, moving towards her. Katie immediately turns off her phone and slips it in her back pocket. "A friend of mine."


"Oh, which one?"

"Didn't you say you had to go?" she said really fast. Katie pushes me to the door and out the door. "Katie you're hiding something from me aren't you?"

Katie laughs like she wouldn't never do that. "What? Hoseok, you're crazy, I would never hide something from you."

"Ok if you would never, then tell me what's going on."

Katie frowns and shuts the door in my face.



Changkyun:  You seriously got kicked out?

Y/N: Yeah

Changkyun: Mark must have been embarassed

Y/N: Wow, you care only about Mark and not your own step sister

Changkyun: Ha, Y/N I wish I was there to see it though, I would have cracked up

Y/N: It was not funny, they were disturbing and disrespectful, who else would have to shut them up

Changkyun: True

Changkyun: I have a question for you

Y/N: hmm

Changkyun: would you be interested in meeting my bandmates

Y/N: You don't have to ask me twice


Mark: Yo guess what

Y/N: What

Mark: I got accepted to SM Entertainment

Y/N: Wah really!?

Mark: I'm gonna be a worldwide famous rapper

Y/N: You better remember me, ok?

Mark: I'll always remember you

Y/N: ^^

Y/N: Sorry for what happened today at the movies

Mark: That? Oh you don't have to apologize, you did the right thing

Y/N: Oh... thanks I guess

Mark: Have you ever considered having a boyfriend?

Y/N: I told you I have a crush on Wonho

Mark: Yeah but he doesn't know you

Y/N: He will soon bc Changkyun is finally going to let me meet the members

Mark: Oof ok, good luck then

Y/N: Yep

Y/N: But I'm so nervous

Mark: Of course you are

Mark: I am so tired

Y/N: Yeah same, good night I guess

Mark: Good night, ttyl Y/N

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