5- Valentine's Day

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[House of the Andersons in London, 9:11 am, the birthday surprise part 2 ]

LOUIS: "Hello, Chloe!"

CHLOE: (closes her laptop and put it aside) "Hey!"

LOUIS: "What happened yesterday?"

CHLOE: "Yesterday was a really long day."

LOUIS: "Yeah... give me details "

CHLOE: "I went to college, then to the coffee shop where I met Emma, then I came back home so tired, I took a shower and went to sleep."

LOUIS: "That's all?"

CHLOE: "Yes!"

LOUIS: "How about your dinner with Harry? The flight to Paris?"

CHLOE: "What flight?"

LOUIS : ( talking to himself) "Oh no! I ruined his surprise!" ( addressing Chloe) "Uh.. nothing forget it.. Tell me how was your dinner with him?"

CHLOE : "It was nice."

LOUIS : "Girl I want more details !!"

CHLOE: "Well we talked about everything and nothing and danced to our favourite song, we watched a movie.."

LOUIS : "Wait! A movie like the movies you love to watch about criminals and psychopaths?"

CHLOE : "No it was a romantic movie"

LOUIS: "Nice, go on"

CHLOE: "We kissed"

LOUIS : "What"

CHLOE : "We kissed, and I don't know how to explain my emotions"

LOUIS: "I'm so happy for you guys"

CHLOE : "Please Louis, don't tell anyone about yesterday."

LOUIS : "Don't worry!"

CHLOE : "You're the best brother in the world!"

LOUIS : ( hearing the doorbell) "It must be him!"

CHLOE: "You're waiting for someone"

LOUIS: ( walking to the door) No, but Harry told me you two, have something to do in the school

HARRY : Hey Chloe! Are you ready?

CHLOE : Oh no I totally forgot!..( screaming from the staircase) Okay I'm coming in five minutes !

LOUIS: Here her passport!

HARRY: Thanks, brother! You told her about the surprise?

LOUIS: Of course no!

CHLOE: ( running in the stairs) 'Morning babe.

HARRY : 'Morning love, let's go or will be late'

CHLOE: "Where are you taking me?"

LOUIS: "Enjoy!"

HARRY: "Get on the car first!"

NARRATOR: (Chloe open her door and get in the car, she close the door, Harry follows her and get in the driveway)

HARRY: We're going to the airport

CHLOE: You're joking!

HARRY : ( starts the car and went at full speed)

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