6 - April's fool

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[House of the Andersons in London, 7:10 pm, family time]

HARRY: "The person you are trying to reach is busy or out of coverage, please leave your message on the voicemail after the beep sound"

LOUIS: "Hello sister"

CHLOE :(finished talking) "please call me as soon as you hear my message"

LOUIS: " Who are you talking to ?"

CHLOE: "No one"

LOUIS: (confused) "Are you sure?"

CHLOE: " Do you know where's Harry?"

LOUIS: "Uh... No"

CHLOE: "I see"

LOUIS: "Today is family games, mom, dad and I are waiting for you to start playing"

CHLOE: "I don't feel like doing anything now"

LOUIS: "okay? I'll tell them how much you hate these games that you are no longer a little girl to play with your family."

CHLOE: "Please don't do it, I'm coming in five minutes."

LOUIS: ( walk out of Chloe's room, goes downstairs)

MRS.ANDERSON: "Where's your sister, Louis?"

CHLOE: (after not even two minutes)
"I'm right here."

MR.ANDERSON: ( excited, Chloe taking a seat while her father make a talk) "Family games are about to start now, but let me remind you of the rules, first no cheating, second no internet, third no one is allowed to make fun of my dad jokes"

LOUIS : (talking simultaneously) "Here we go again, someone please stop him."

CHLOE: "Why do we play family games on April fool's day, of all days?"

MR. ANDERSON: "Hmm, I've never thought about it"

LOUIS: "That's because we want to make sure________.

CHLOE: "Can we start already?"

MRS.ANDERSON: " We took it as a tradition."

LOUIS: " Let's start"... (whispers to Chloe) "Try to act normal, you do not want your parents to think you are still meeting Arthur"

CHLOE: (stand up from her chair) "I'll be right back!" ( goes to her room feeling desperate, calls her boyfriend a second time)

LOUIS: "He isn't responding to your calls, is he?"

CHLOE: "I'm starting to panic!"

LOUIS: "Don't worry! It's gonna be okay! Let's head back to the living room, mom and dad are waiting for us."

CHLOE: "Okay!"

MR.ANDERSON: "Sorry guys! We already started, and I'm winning this game for the third time, respectively."

LOUIS: "Nice, when will we be able to play?"

MR.ANDERSON: "After three more laps"

CHLOE: "Three more laps !? this is unfair."

MR.ANDERSON: "You can sit there and watch me beat your mother for the fourth time!"

LOUIS: " Well, I think that it will take forever before you're finished."

CHLOE: "I'm just going to hang out with the girls."

LOUIS: "and the dudes"

CHLOE: "What are you talking about?"

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