Frieza X Reader - Part 60 (I can help you?)

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So you flew off leaving Vegeta and Zarbon with their own problems, but if you could guess what was going to happen next. Both of them would end up fighting and one would probably die. Zarbon and Vegeta always had a grudge agent each other and now you could sense that they were going to let go of the hatred they had on each other through violence.

As that was happening you flew around the planet for another hour trying to find your son that was still missing. You called out his name many times and thought about trying to find him by his power level on your scouter, but it broke a week ago so your best idea was out of order. But you weren't going to give up, Kuriza was too important to you and lightened up your life.

You obviously carried on with your search and as you did, you crashed into one of the Earthlings again. It was the little kid who was with that short man and woman with the blue hair. He also had a dragon ball in his hands and almost dropped it when he dumped into you.

"Woah, don't hurt me, please? Here take it." The boy cringed and held the ball up to his face while floating in the air. "I won't hurt you, I saw you earlier and didn't bother you then. And why would I want that? I'm not looking for them" You told the child. "Ohh... ok. How come you ignored us a while back, then returned later on? Were you going to hurt us back then?" He questioned you feeling a tiny bit more chilled around you. "No, I've got no reason to. I'm just looking for someone and was going to ask for your help, but Zarbon and Vegeta got in the way." You explained the honest answer to him. "Ohh yeah, who are you looking for? I heard you shouting a name earlier but I've forgotten it." He clicked his fingers remembering what happened not long ago. "Kuriza. I really need to find him. He's a bit smaller than you, has pink skin with black lines, red eyes, long tail, shiny brown parts on his body and pointy armour." You listed a few of Kuriza's looks to him.

"No sorry, I haven't seen him. To me it sounds like you're describing some other guy I saw called Frieza." The boy thought about it then told you. "No... That's his father, but I wouldn't worry. Kuriza won't hurt anyone unless he's challenged or feels threatened." You waved your hands in front of you hoping this kid wouldn't be afraid of your son. "Wow, that's a surprise. But maybe I can help you, if you help my friends and me?" The child suggested a plan to you. "Like how? You help me find Kuriza and I help you find the other six dragon balls?" You pretend to guess the answer that you knew was correct. "Yeah... Wait a minute, how do you know that we're after the dragon balls?" He quizzed you. "Don't freak out, but I actually work for Frieza and have for many years." You honestly mentioned to him. "So how do I know I can trust you?" The kid understood you so far with his smart mind. "Because I know that Vegeta stole five dragon balls from Frieza and I'm willing to betray someone who I'm loyal to." You folded your arms feeling a bit offended. "Wait...Vegeta stole five dragon balls from Frieza? That means he has six now. When you left and after he killed that other guy he took our dragon ball." The child admitted the evil deeded Vegeta had done. "What? No way? I'm gonna kill him." You tighten your fists over exaggerating.

"I guess you don't like him either?" The boy guessed. "I'm fine with, Vegeta. I know he'll never hurt me even if I punch him multiple times in the face. I just think he takes everything too far." You sighed telling the kid. "I see, so who is Vegeta to you? Your brother? Boyfriend?" He curiosity asked. "For a start, kid. I'm not a Saiyan, I don't have a fluffy brown tail and I'm way older than Vegeta. But to answer your question, Vegeta is like a younger brother to me." You corrected him. "Ok, so what are you then?" He queried you back in return. "I'm a (Your race). I'm always mistaken for a Saiyan or Earthling because of my human like looks and I'm the last of my kind as far as I'm aware of." You explained the true facts. "Woah, I'm a Saiyan too you know." The boy changed the conversation to tell you he had Saiyan blood in him. "Ha yeah right, you look nothing like a Saiyan. The only thing that tells me you have Saiyan blood in you is your black hair and eye colour." You scoffed not believing him. "Well I'm not a full Saiyan, I'm half human because of my mother's side." Thd child commented to you. "So you're the son of Kakarott? I knew your Uncle Raditz you know!" You dropped your jaw quickly figuring out that he wasn't lying then decided to drop in a chat about Raditz. "How do you know this stuff?" He asked and kept his mouth open in surprise. "I told you, I work for, Frieza. And if I work for Frieza, I'm going to know Vegeta who knew your uncle. It's a small universe you know." You closed your eyes feeling rather chuffed with your smart explaining. "Woah, that's crazy when you deeply think about it." He mentioned back.

"I know, now lets get going. Vegeta will probably know about the other dragon ball by now." You moved along and hovered in the direction the half breed was going. "Right." He nodded and flew back to his friends with you.

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