Frieza X Reader - Part 50 (Some time with Frieza)

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"Thank you for holding him. It means a lot." You smiled at Vegeta as you then thought it would be best to take your son back. "Why? He's just going to be like Frieza." Vegeta said to you and wiped his hands down on his legs. "He won't be like Frieza, I'll make sure of that. As for why I'm glad you held him, you're important to me Vegeta and so is my son. You holding him is heartwarming to me." You lightly smiled at the prince. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can I please go now?" Vegeta blushed a smidge and asked if he could go. "I suppose." You raised your shoulders and let him go. "Thank you, I'll see you later." Vegeta said and left you alone with your son.

As you watched Vegeta leave your room, you felt Kuriza shift about in your arms, so you looked down at him and saw that he was holding his hand out to Vegeta with a cute little grin.

"Aww, Vegeta look. He doesn't want you to go." You told the Saiyan to look back from how cute Kuriza was acting. "Yeah well, Frieza's coming." Vegeta answered back and quickly glimpsed back at his bosses kid. "Even better." You mumbled and went to greet your partner at the door.

"Why was Vegeta in our room?" Frieza questioned in a tone hoping you'd get the hint he was uncomfortable about it. "I let him, the other Saiyans and the Ginyu Force visit Kuriza for the first time. Surely, that can't be a problem?" You passed a question back to Frieza as you answered his. "I guess it's not. Pass him here." Frieza let the thought go and held his hands out to Kuriza "So why are you in your final form, mister? You're usually lurking around in your first." You also questioned and went back inside. "It's good bonding apparently. Kuriza won't be able to develop forms till he's few years old so me being in my final form will make him more comfortable around me." Frieza explained and sat down on his bed while putting Kuriza in between his legs at where bent.

"I think he's getting cuter with age you know." You joined Frieza and rested your head on his shoulder. "That's you're genetics that." Frieza commented as he entertained his little boy by flicking his tail above Kuriza. "Aww, you think I'm cute?" You looked over to Frieza with a smile. "... I suppose." Frieza hesitated with his answer and a bright blush going across his cheeks. "Aww, you are sweet at times." You leaned back onto Frieza after giving him a quick smooch on the cheek.

After Frieza finished playing around with Kuriza, he put him back down in his crib then decided to spend some time with you.

"I think I'll spend some time with you." Frieza put his son down so he could play about on his own then joined you on the bed again. "Yay, it's not very often we get time together." You smiled and laid down on your bed with your hand holding your head up. "I know, I do apologise for being busy all of the time." Frieza wrapped his tail around your back and hugged into a massive embrace. "It's fine, long as if you make time for your family I'm not bothered." You hugged him back and slowly shut your eyes. "I always will, I may not be the best at this sort of thing, but when it comes to you and Kuriza, I'll be there for you both." Frieza gently rubbed your back and responded in a calm tone. "Thank you." You whispered and tightened your warm hug you had on Frieza.

Dragon Ball Z - Frieza X Reader (Something Pure Evil) Where stories live. Discover now