Chapter 6

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Louis walked to lunch with Harry, he was so surprised as know really stayed with him for they long , except Niall on the odd day when he was around. Louis sighed getting Harry's attention.

"You okay Lou?" Harry asked sitting down at a table getting out his lunch.

"Yea sorry I just haven't seen Niall in a while (haha yes that rhymed).

"He a good friend to you then ay?" Harry bit into his sandwich.
Louis shrugged "I don't know anymore.. to be honest he's never around when I actually need him. "

"Aw I'm sorry man must be hard for you " Harry spoke genuinely.
"No no it's okay , if I'm honest I'm glad I met you when I did , it's been nice having the company in class and lunch so. " Louis said looking down at his sandwich, but he looked around first as the last time he got his food pinched off those guys.

"You should eat Lou , don't be shy" Harry said eating the rest of his sandwich.
"It's not that I'm shy.. it's just.. , oh it's nothing " Louis continued and took a bite of his sandwich , he was starving today , he ate it a little quicker than usual.

"Woah Lou slow down " Harry chuckled "lunch doesn't finish yet right?"

Louis hiccuped taking a sip of his drink, Harry caught Harry looking over at the boys. Harry suddenly clicked.

"You've got to be kidding me , they steal your food?"

"Um.. just once I..I just "

Harry grew furious "They touch your food again you let me know about it okay. "What the hell is the matter with people. "

"Harry it's okay , I'm f-fine"
Harry nodded gently knowing full well he wasn't fine. He looked around the canteen looking out for those guys but they were know where to be seen.

But Harry had a bad feeling.

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