It didn't work and Louis felt resentment at Harry for accusing his mother of faking a pregnancy. Of course he knew his mother couldn't have kids, mother Theresa had told him so, but that's why he was the little miracle she and his dad often cooed about.

Haley was his mom, and no Harry Styles could say other wise.

"You probably confused her with one of the other sluts you've been messing around with. Now leave me alone!"

Louis shouted through the door and got no response back, feeling his heart slowly crumble and dissolve at the pit of his stomach.

He couldn't hear Harry on the other side anymore and didn't hear from him the rest of the day, the older boy probably out with his new girlfriend or something, Louis assumed.

As predicted, Both boys didn't end up going to play footie that day with their friends, but that didn't stop Louis from having an okay time playing with his and Harry's fifa game.

and although Louis was beyond pissed with Harry, he didn't hesitate to cuddle into his back when the older boy came back around midnight, crawled onto the bed, and wrapped his arms around Louis belly.


"You are out of your mind if you think im going to let him see you sooner than date. Forget about it!"

Harry walked into the kitchen as his mom hanged up the phone and sighed in frustration, making the younger boy concerned.

" everything alright?"

Anne flinched, not aware of her sons presence and waving her hand in the air to signal she was okay.

"In okay sweetie."

"Who was that on the phone? The Laywer?"

Anne furrowed her eyebrows at her son and Harry reciprocated the action, making the mom shake her head and nod at the same time.

"I...Um Yes. Yes, it was."

"Is there already a court date?"

"Why? You want your brother to be officially part of this family as soon as possible huh?"

Anne shot Harry a smile to which he felt his gut tingle.

"No. I was just asking because you're always on the phone and I never knew adopting a kid was such a fuss. I mean, doesn't the government want you to actually adopt kids? Why would they make the process way harder and make you go to court for it, then?"

"Its complicated Harry. "

"Mum. Can I ask you question?"

Harry sat down on the stool beside the counter and carefully watched his mum as she turned around and began to wash the dishes, murmuring a "fire away."

"Mum, whens the last time you seen Haley?"

Harry grew a little worried at the sound of his mother dropping a dish in the sink and beginning to panic at the sight.

"This was one of my favorite plates, darn."

Harry watched as Anne took the oven mittens and began to take the pieces out the sink and take them towards the trash.


"Yeah sweetie?"

"Did you hear me?"

Harry squeezed his hands together and let his eyes meet with his mum who merely glanced at him and looked away, the older lady shrugging.

"I dunno love.. when you were like 3."

"That's the last time? like ever?"


My Step Brothers Keeper (Larry Stylinson AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن