Chapter 19

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I glanced at the blonde haired boy from across the table and felt the pit of my stomach deepen ten times more than what it had this morning, realizing the big dilemma I had agree to. He nodded and cut all types of communication with me and began talking to Danielle, who gladly accepted our decision and played along.

Sweaty palms emerged from underneath the table and I wondered if the idea of it was more horrifying than the actual doing. I replayed in my mind the possible outcomes of this little scene, outweighing the good with the bad, and shaking the negative thoughts away.

I watched as the lunchroom doors swung open and two tall, slim figures were revealed, my eyes locking with the one I spent majority of my time with and peeing a little in my imagination.

Here goes nothing.

I turned back to the tray of food in front of me and picked at my peaches, being the most subtle I could be on this regular Thursday afternoon of school.

The empty seat next to me was then filled by a strong scent of cologne, most recognizable as Harry's. I cleared my throat awkwardly and watched as my step brothers eyebrows were furrowed in confusion, my conscious inside dancing around screaming Jackpot!, before its full alert button was a activated.



I set my focus on Zayn scrambling away Sophia from Liam and taking a seat next to him, which I would have payed more attention to if I didnt have my own problems to resolve at the moment.

"Not that I'm not enjoying this space between you and your 'boyfriend', but why is he all the way over there. I expected more of a fight."

If I could pause a moment in time, I would to be jumping around and screaming jackpot. Instead, I settled on the most vague expression and shrugged my shoulders, playing around with the food on my tray before responding the most casually-

"We broke up."

Slowly, my eyes trailed from my food tray up to his face and watched in confusion how hard my step brother seemed to hold back a smile. He bit his lip and nodded, looking away from me to possibly Niall, and returning right back to meet my gaze.


"He's not going to fight for me if you're in the way."

"Then its not really called fighting, is it?"

"Suppose not."

I looked down at my tray again and sighed, the most quiet I Could but on the line of audible.

A chuckle escaped his lips before I felt the seat next to me quickly empty, the warmth ness of his breath now quickly reaching my ear so no one could hear.

"Then my work here is done."

He began to walk away with a small wave to Zayn, which he seemed very confused about, but nonetheless, followed behind.

The whole table remained quiet as they watched the two boys turn around and signal the rest of their crew to go back to their table, the other guys also having zero clue of what was going on. When they were a reasonable amount of feet away, my friends glanced between me and Niall repeatedly, while me and him locked eyes with a monotone expression.

Liam was the first one to break a grin, followed along by Danielle, Sophia, Calum and Ashton.

"You Sneaky Bastards."

I giggled as Niall bursted out into laughter which the whole table mimicked.

"I can't believe that worked Louis." Niall commented.

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