Chapter 5

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"H-Harry! Harry wait!"

I sprinted behind my step sibling as he walked away from the shop, not even bothering to slow down. He turned the block and I huffed, wondering why he was trying to get away.

I began to run and as I turned the corner, to my misfortune, I ran into a figure for the third time this day. I stumbled back and almost fell to the floor, if it wasnt for Harry's arm clutching to my collarbones.

"Dammit Louis, Do you ever watch where you're going?"

"I-Im Sorry."

"You're the most clumsy person I've came in contact with."

My body felt tingly as my step sibling kept his hands attached to my shoulders, people around us just glancing as they passed. I looked at his arms and regretted my actions immediately, my step sibling pulling away and coughing awkwardly.

"L-Lets go."


I drowned in silence as me and my step sibling sat with our backs pressed against a huge oak tree in the park near our house. We watched in peace adults pass by hand in hand or just random individuals strolling pass the park. I refused to ask why we were here but what I could tell was that it was probably the safest place to be without getting caught skipping school.

I tried to sneak a peek at Harry but quickly retreated when I saw him stare at me back.

I looked away and tried to seem busy looking at the squirrels in the trees, but I could still feel his eyes on me.

"Even though you aren't looking at me, I know you're thinking about me, you know."

Conceded jerk.

I pressed my lips together and tried to contain myself from arguing with him, for some reason, I believing all he wanted to do was make me mad. Refusing to go along with his game, I stayed silent and turned my attention to the empty play ground a few feet away from us.

"I don't mind if you don't respond, I'm not the one loosing here."

I crossed my feet over each other and continued to look around, trying my best not to fall into his trap. He shifted around on the ground too and turned his body towards mine, now sitting up straight. My chills began to emerge, but all I could do is sit still.

"You're strange and I dont know why you keep trying to make me like you. Im not going to like you Louis, I hope that's clear to you."

He was no one close to me, but it was hard to fight these feelings of rejection I was receiving from a stranger. Not even a kid around my age was willing to accept me. 

"And about today, this, is the last time its happening. Just because I bought you ice cream and brought you to the park , doesn't make us friends. I did this because I feel sorry for you and thought you needed a break from your first day. From here on, you need to handle your screw ups yourself."

I felt extremely disappointed as Harry continued to talk. In my opinion, I thought I was beginning to ease the tension at the ice cream shop but Apparently not.

"Additionally, dont tell people you seek me for comfort. Im not your mommy or daddy. You're grown up, learn how to act your age. and don-"

"Okay Okay I Get it!"

"Do you Louis, do you really?"

"Y-Yes Harry, you dont like me! I get it. I think you've made that real clear!"


I Turned my back to Harry and crawled to the other side of the tree. Silently, I began to whimper in defeat, not knowing why I deserved this. I missed my orphanage mom. She didn't like me all the time, but at least she tried once in a while.

Harry was different.

He was a monster.

I could tell why people in school feared him.

Especially after what he did to me that day were left alone.

The hairs in my neck rose and I began to wonder my options. I recognized this place. What if I was to run back to the orphanage?

Harry would definitely catch up to me.

or would he let me leave?

I wiped away my tears and looked around more the busy city streets. If Harry didnt like me, then there was no way he could miss out an opportunity to return me....could he?



Slowly, I crawled back to the side I was sitting on before and kneeled next to harry, my step sibling looking up at me annoyed.

there was no way he could say no.

"Shit, are you crying again? stop crying!"

"D-Don't scream at me."

"Well you deserve it, you never listen!!"

"Please. I-I want to ask you for a favor."

My step sibling looked at me as if I had two heads and I couldnt help but wonder what he was thinking. He sat up straight and began to smile strangely, rolling his eyes at me before turning away.

"Why the hell would I ever do you a favor?"

"Because it might benefit us both...."

A huge lump in my throat as my step sibling turned his attention back to me with his smile vanished, his eyes intrigued in what I had to say. He did a small nod before leaning towards me, my heart beat racing within seconds.

"U-Uh. I-I was wondering. If maybe if y-you... m-maybe want to..... help me take me back."

"Take you back where?"

"M-My home."

"Moms home Louis, we cant go there."

I felt a little surprised with his response,although my feelings stayed unchanged.

"T-Thats your home Harry. I mean mine."


"T-Take me back. Take me to the orphanage."

The silence between us that next came was drowning me alive, Harry's cold hard stare melting every bone in my body. I rubbed my palms in my pants as they began to sweat, my breathing becoming harder to manage with every second Harry wouldn't reply.

Had I done something wrong?

"I-I. I do-"


"I-I. I-No. Are you insane?"

I shrieked as Harry grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me towards him, his face centimeters from mine and making me die inside.

"Why would you wanna go back?"


"No one likes you there!"

"Please I-"

" thats why they were so eager to get rid of you!"

"Harry, theres no difference, you dont like me either."

At that moment, I felt as I had done the bravest thing in my life. Even if my words had came out a whisper, I knew they were worth me getting punished.

The blood in my veins were in a frenzy as I watched Harry's face change color. He let go of my shirt and pushed me away, my arms coming up in defense as I watched him raise his hand to hit me.

I covered my head and waited for the blow to come, but it never came.

When I looked up, Harry was just standing there patiently with his bag on his shoulders and my backpack in his hand.

With his back to me, I couldn't see what his reaction was to my confessing.

"Cmon Louis, lets go."

Carefully, I stood on my wobbly legs and approached him. When I was a few feet away, he began to walk, not even bothering to give me my bag back. To afraid to tell him anything else, I stayed quiet and followed behind, walking through familiar streets and casually catching Harry every once in a while peeking back.

My Step Brothers Keeper (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now