"Because of you, I don't have my car for the next couple of weeks. So guess what we're going to do about that."

My heart was beating so hard out of my chest as Harry pushed me off his lap and my back collided with the floor.

"M-mommyyy" I brought my knees up to my chest as I watched Harry fiddle with the belt around his waist. He began taking it off slowly and laughing as I began to cry out, feeling more scared than I ever had in my life. I would remember this day forever.

******** *2 weeks later*

"Ready for your big day, Louis?"

"Yes Mam."

"You're going to make so many friends, I just know it."

I gave Anne a small smile as she fixed my suit attire I needed wear to my new school. I would be attending Cheshire Academy Of The Young Advanced along with Harry. Of course, I wouldn't be having the same classes as him since he was 16 and I was 14, having two years apart between us being one of the luckiest things that could have happened so far.

Thank The Lords above I wouldn't have classes with him.

I hummed as I ate my scrambled eggs and pancakes Anne had so politely cooked for us, feeling very privileged and satisfied with how great she cooked. I placed my fork down when I watched Harry pass by the kitchen, knowing well he wanted me to follow him outside.

He had said he never ate breakfast on school mornings, meaning I had to do my best to either finish quick or not eat at all by the time he was ready to leave. Anne looked confused when I got up from my seat and took a hold of my backpack, waving at her goodbye while walking out the kitchen to the front door of the house.

I exited the house and gulped when I saw Harry already looking towards my way, the fists by his sides clutched in known anger. I shut the door and quickly ran towards him, dropping my head when I arrived .

"I-I'm sorry. I had to say goodbye."

"I'm going to let this one slide because its your first day, but don't make me wait next time. Now come on, we're going to walk since I don't have my car. Stay in front of me where I can see you and don't you dare speak to no one. Understand,?"

"Y-yes Harry."


I quickly hopped onto the sidewalk and began to walk to somewhere unknown.

"Were going to go straight and turn left when we reach that purple house. Understand?"

"Yes Harry" I kept my head up as I moved forward, feeling the need to show my obedience. I didn't know how longer I was going to be under Harry's Wing, neither when he was planning to get rid of me or how he was going to do it. I just knew I would have to keep moving forward during the mean time and follow his rules, since I knew what was best for me.

I turned back to glance at him when I made a turn , getting a nod of a approval and another set of directions. Following a couple of rules wouldn't be so bad. I just needed to make sure not to get on Harry's Bad side. That's when The monster came out.


"I'd like to get a schedule please,. Louis Tomlinson."

"Sorry sir, I'm not authorized to give you information about other students."

"But he's a new student."

"I can't do that sir."

"Are you sure about that?"

I watched from afar as Harry talked to a middle aged, brunette lady over the desk counter in the counselors room. I could tell he was probably scaring the teacher by the way she seemed very fiddly and nervous as she typed in the computer, Harry tapping his foot impatiently on the floor. Apparently, I wasn't the only one aware of how Scary Harry was. Maybe I wasn't alone in this world after all. I watched through the glass door as Harry continued talking until the teacher nodded her head and printed out a sheet of paper, Harry snatching the piece of paper out her hand and heading back towards me. I stepped away from the door as he exited out, his face a little red but I not willing to even ask him what for. Harry didn't like being questioned.

My Step Brothers Keeper (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now