Chapter 16. Waltz by the name of 'Déjà Vu.' Ingrid.

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Once the kisses that melted time and space stopped, a sense of dèjà vu surfaced before the scene that was once but a daydream; an angel's face, surrounded by golden hair yet still illuminated by glimmering candlelight. Only now the angel looked at me somewhat distantly.

"Strange..." He said out of nowhere. "I did not anticipate this"

I steadied my breath and blurted out, making use of the brief moment of respite:

"Sorry, I need a minute."

"Stay put." Said Johan with a soft yet commanding tone. "I'm not letting you leave."

"I need to use the toilet." I pleaded. "I really need to go, it's the wine."

Johan giggled, loosening his grip. "Last door on the right, will you make it in time?"

Blazing with shame, I lurched from the bed and received an unexpected boost in the form of a slap on my ass. A slap that screamed 'I'm in control.'

I tried to deal with the disobedient sense of direction along the dim corridor, hearing loud clanking of dishes coming from downstairs. My beet-red mug stared back at me through the mirror with puffy lips and a bird's nest for hair. This is ridiculous!

My torn nail reminded me of its existence with a jolt of pain as I was freeing myself from my denim skin in a way that probably looked like an eastern dance. I managed to make it in time before the inevitable, dropping onto the seat with deep relief.

'I'm gonna have sex now...' The thought drunkenly spilled in my mind. I looked at my panties; pink and simple but cute enough. The bra, however, was black and ugly. If only I knew... Luckily it was quite dark in the room. 

'Johan is waiting...' I thought as I noticed a peculiar tune coming from downstairs.

My body was trembling in anticipation yet my head was cloudy. My eyes closed more and more with every minute... so pleasant, just a little more...

The sound of a door bursting open made me straighten out in surprise. I barely managed to cover my hips with the sweater before Johan appeared in the doorway.

"Have you dozed off? Or do you have the shits?" Johan took a deep whiff. "Seems like the former, luckily."

"Leave!" I yelled, pulling at the sweater to cover everything that was still on display. "What are you doing?"

"I've been waiting for fifteen minutes already." Johan irritably shook the watch clasped in his hand. "If granny knew, she would've already been here with haemorrhoid cream."

"Fifteen... no, I was only... I wasn't sleeping, it was just the music... I think."

"You hear music?"

"Yes, now please leave."

"That means we're almost out of time." Johan stepped in and unceremoniously picked me up by the armpits and threw me out into the hallway. I barely managed to pull my panties back on before he dragged me into his room and pushed me onto the bed.

"Now, I'm going to have to paint you a little, to tie us together for the astral trip, so don't move. It's nothing to be scared of, just a couple of symbols like mine. Lie on your stomach, just like that.

I obediently raised my arms, letting Johan take off my sweater. Next up were the jeans. Finally, my last shred of willpower was stripped away along with my bra.

The fingers touching my skin were gentle and ticklish. I felt how they birthed an ornate symbol between my shoulder blades. They slid along my spine, causing me to shiver when they reached my sensitive spot above the tailbone.

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