Chapter 16

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Being it his turn to be on lookout for the morning Killer sat quietly in the crows nest with happily sitting in front of him as you doodled on the paper he brought for up you. Drawing everybody you had met so far you smiled happily at each picture when Killer got your attention. “Hey Kitten, you see Heat as an older brother right? How do you see everyone else on the ship?” Killer asked making you blink and tilt your head in thought using a finger to push on your chin. Before turning and picking up the picture of Thorn and showing it to the blond. “Thorn I think is like a best friend! Hes nice, funny, and is really good at making food!” You chirped happily remembering your short time spent with the cook getting Killer to nod as you reached for another picture, this time grabbing Arvids. “Arvid is like a funny uncle, along with Pete they do weird stuff but always keep me safe and maybe me smile.” You said picking up Pete's picture as well to show the first mate. Chuckling at the childish pictures of his fellow crewmen. “I can see it.” Killer said taking each picture you've handed him so far. “Jacob's funny, but he's also stupid. So he's like my big brother too! But stupider than a fish. And horned man is a giant, he's super cool like a hero. He doesn't really talk to me but he's nice.” You said proudly flaunting Wires picture up getting a quiet snicker from Killer. “His names Wire.” Killer said pointing at the picture making you look at it and nod with a smile. “Alright then what about Captain Kid and me?” Killer asked amusedly as your tail swisher from side to side with your light feeling mood. Grinning you happily grabbed Kids drawing next. “He's a big dog. He growls a lot but is really nice and friendly if you show him your hand!” (IE she got that idea from the first time she met Kid) “But he can be really mean and scary sometimes!” You said mimicking a dog's growl. Snorting into a loud cough Killer cleared his throat as a large grin spread across his face. “Let's not tell Kid that. Or hell become a mad scary dog.” Killer said jokingly while lightly petting your head. Happily purring you held onto Killers hand and snuggled into its roughness. “You still haven't told me what you think of me yet.” Killer said getting you to quickly stand and hug his waist while looking up at him. “Your like a papa! You take care of me, you didn't get mad at me when I bit you, and your super duper nice because you said you wouldn't leave me!” You squealed rubbing your cheek into Killers mid section when you heard your nickname being called from the deck. Jumping over to the trap door you opened it and looked down to see Jacob waving up to you. Grinning you quickly stood up and grabbed the picture of Killer and placed it on the said man's lap before hurriedly moving to leave and join your new found brother on deck. “I'm gonna go play with Jacob!” You yelled before closing the small square door behind you. Sitting there frozen from under shock, Killer hid his already masked face in his hands as he bent forward. Before taking in a large breath of air and letting it out through his nose while feeling his face warm up at how innocently you called him papa. Sitting back up to look at the picture you drew of him, a warm smile crossed his face as he held his chin when he saw that you had drawn yourself in his arms. Getting halfway down the ropes you decided to fall the rest of the way down. Landing perfectly on your feet you jumped up then ran over to the teen and wrapped your arms around his lower waist. “Jacob let's play!” You yelled then squealed when Jacob poked your side. “Oh looks like a little Kitten is ticklish!” Jacob said smirking as you quickly pulled away from his tickling hands. Running away from the blond, you giggled as he chased you around the deck. Getting pinned to the floor you once you were caught you laughed, and squealed happily. Writhing around and kicking your feet you could barely breathe when the cabin boy finally stopped and let you go. Gasping you still giggled as you held your aching sides. “Oh common Kitten that was barely a fight!” Jacob said smiling down at you making you spit your tongue out at him. “I wanna play with Big Brother Heat now!” You said getting the blond teen to roll his eyes. “I wouldn't if I were you. Heats in his room, were he keeps all of his scary stuff.” Jacob said spookily making your ears perk. “What kinda spooky stuff?” You asked curiously sitting up. Crouching down to be a little more scary as he moved his fingers creepily. “Heat has dried severed heads of enemies and his room is a black as night, even during the day. I've seen other crewmen go in there and guess what?” Jacob asked as you slowly shrank back. “What?” You asked making the teen jump out at you suddenly. “They never come OUT!” Jacob yelled quickly grabbing your arms and making you scream. Bursting out into laughter Jacob stood up holding his sides, as you shook frightenedly in your spot as tears welled up in your eyes. Scrambling to your feet you began to cry and ran in the direction of the kitchen, making the blond cabin boy stop laughing and turn to your fleeing form. Suckimg in a breath through his teeth Jacob slowly scratched his head. “Oh shit. I believe I just fucked up.” He muttered looking up when he heard the door to the crows nest open and relieve Killer looking down at him.

Kid Pirate's x Neko! Child! ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu