Chapter 11

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Oh he was mad and you knew it. Shutting your eyes and shrinking in on yourself as the metal weapons crashed into a large group of invading pirates, you let your ears fall back as Kid growl. “Go the fuck ahead. That won't stop us from killing you.” Kid growled sending a hateful glare at the enemy pirate holding you, making the said pirate jump in surprise. Sucking in a breath at the feeling of betrayal you looked away from scarred pirate sadly. Hearing the guy holding you huff in frustration you turned to him before screaming in terror as you were suddenly thrown overboard. Hitting the icy cold water you thrashed and kicked around trying to free your hands from the binding. Biting off the cloth tying your wrists together, you swam back to the surface and gasped. Coughing up what water got into your mouth, you dug your claws into the ships side so you didn't need to kick your legs to stay above water. Feeling your bandaged cuts start to burn from the salty water soaking into them, making you hissed in pain. And started to climb the ships side to get out of the water and try to get dry you paused when something hit the water behind you. Turning to it you squinted unhappily at the dead pirate that had thrown you off the ship. Spitting your tongue out at him you heard the wood creek above you, “So your already clawing your way up my ship?” Kid asked boredly leaning over the railing as his crew went back to fighting the enemy pirates. Blinking at the new blood splashed across Kids face you flattened your ears at the shouting and screaming behind him, spitting your tongue out at him before turning your head away from the red headed pirate and huffing. Hearing Kid snort then chuckle you turned back to him with an upset pouty face before making your way up to the deck to complain to him. Turning back to the fight behind him to see it start getting excessively brutal and bloody Kid rolled his eyes in semi annoyance. “Killer's going to be up my ass if the kid sees this shit.” Kid muttered looking at you from over his shoulder. Almost getting to the deck you paused when Kid knocked on the railing to get your attention. “Head to my workshop and stay there until I come get you. And don't touch anything.” He ordered making you look up and squint at him suspiciously when the heavy scent of blood started invading your nose making you grimace. Muttering an “Okay.” you started to make your way to Kid's workshop in the back of the ship. Remembering were it was from earlier you swung into the semi organized room. Landing perfectly you swung your arms up to pose before starting to look around the room. Going onto your tiptoes to look on top of a few tables you glanced at some of the unfinished  metal trinkets before heading to Kid's work desk to see multiple cogs, gears, screws, nuts, and bolts surrounding a weird looking contraption. Climbing up onto the nearby chair to get a better look at what was on the desk you tilted your head curiously at the unfinished weapon. Picking up some of the cogs and gears to look at them you played with the teeth before poking your finger through the center hole to roll the gear around the table. Rolling the gear around until you spotted some paper, you abandoned the gear and cog to look through the detailed blueprints. Carefully lifting each piece of paper so they wouldn't fall or fly of the table, you ood and awed at each intricate blueprint. Getting to the bottom of the stack you found a blank sheet, blinking at it you turned on the seat to look at the door for a minute before turning back to the desk to pull the blank sheet out and onto the floor so you could draw on it. Getting onto the desk to grab a pencil from the cup near the wall you smiled and hopped off of the desk and chair to get to the floor. Letting your tail swish from side to side you began to try and draw a blueprint like one of Kids. Drawing a funny looking standing cat, you started putting panels and gears all over for nearly an hour and a half. Feeling your head start to bob and you eyes start to get heavy, you yawned sleepily and rubbed your eyes before curling into a ball to take a small nap. Waiting until his crew was satisfied with their blood lust and the deck was clean from all the blood and gore they had caused, Kid went to get you when Killer stepped in front of him with his arms crossed. “You should wash the blood off first before getting the girl. Remember she's still four and we don't need you scaring her.” Killer said getting an agitated growl from his captain before he turned to head to his cabin to take a quick shower. Watching his captain leave to shower Killer turned to those on deck. Finish searching the ship for anything useful then sink it. Knowing captain we’re celebrating our victory.” Killer ordered getting prideful hoops and hollers from the men as they went to finish rading the enemy ship before getting cleaned up and set up for the party. Turning to head to his own cabin to wash up, Killer stopped by Kids workshop to glance inside to see what you were doing. Tilting his head when he spotted your sleeping form on the floor. “Funny how she can be cute and yet be so deadly.” Killer thought remembering how you cut down the marines and bit his arm on the previous island. Glancing at the said wrapped up bite, Killer shook his head and moved on to heading to his cabin near Kids.

Kid Pirate's x Neko! Child! ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt