'Lightheaded, vomiting and grogginess'

"Ok, I'm going to take some blood tests" he pulled out a needle and multiple test tubes. He slid the needled into my skin I hissed at the pain. I looked over to Liam and he just half smiled, I knew he was taking this worse than me. After all he is a possessive bastard.

"All done, I'll be back later with results. Get some rest and try to eat soft things." My eyelids became heavy and I soon drifted off to sleep.

Liam's POV~

She had been sleeping for all most 3 hours the doctor gave me the results. Jasmine was pregnant; he said by the looks this is going to be the worse pregnancy she'll have. I groaned I don't need her being all hormonal again. I picked up the phone and dialed her parent’s number.

"Hello?" her father had answered.

"Good morning Mr. Hash didn't mean to wake you"

"You didn't wake me. The boys did 4 hours ago" he chuckled and told one of them for doing something bad.

"I was just calling to say jasmine isn't feeling very well and doc took some tests, she pregnant" there was a long silence before he spoke again.

"That's great news but your voice sounds worried why?" I sighed.

"The doc said this pregnancy was different and has put her on bed rest for the whole pregnancy" he gasped

"Shit! I didn't think it would be pasted down. Ok listen I'm going to send her mother over to help she knows how to handle this" just as I was about to speak I heard sniffling outside my door.

"Hung on a second please." I put the phone down walked to my door and opened it to see Jasmine standing their crying.

"Baby what's wrong?" I hugged her tightly.

"I'm pregnant aren't I?" she knew fuck.

"Yeah, baby we are having another" I smiled at her.

"My wolfs what's to be in wolf form but but I d-don’t knoow" she balled her eyes out.

"Darling, let your wolf have this pregnancy ok?" she noodles and walked into my office and stripped. My eyes grew dark with lust. She giggled and shifted into her beautiful wolf.

"I'm on call with your father be a second ok?" I walked to my desk and picked up the phone again.

"I'm back sorry"

"It's ok who was at your door?"

"Jasmine was, she found out and her wolf took over and now is wolf form for the pregnancy" I heard a sigh of relief.

"Good choice, being human in her condition would be terrible. Where is she now?" I looked down she was curled under my desk asleep.

"She's asleep and I have to go sorry talk to you later"

"Ok I'm still sending her mother to help ok"

"Alright bye" he said bye and hang up. I bent down and picked up Jasmine. I sat on my chair and held her in my arms.

I must have fallen asleep as I woke to Jas moving my arms. I tighten my grip her to make her stop she a small whine. 
"Hey babe" I rubbed my nose on hers. I smile and I could tell she was smiling as well by the shinning of her eyes. 
'Pup we have pup' jess repeated in my head.
'Pup will be small, pup must be female' I felt Leo communicate with her they were talking about names for the babies wolf. 
'Here that Jas it's a girl' mind linking her. She wagged her tail at me and jumped off. 
"Do you want to see the house babe?" her eyes stood up in excitement. 
"I'll take that has a yes"

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