"You were hungry, I knew it!"

I chuckled as I nodded to Anne, my mom smiling so wide when I quickly turned my attention back to the plate of food. This spaghetti was so delicious, I wonder why they never gave it to us back home. I kicked my feet back and forth while sitting on the table stool, my legs dangling because I still couldnt reach the ground. Maybe If i Ate more, I would grow taller.

I took my head out my bowl and reached out to grab the big plate of spaghetti in the middle table, wanting to eat so more but stopping in my tracks when he appeared.

The older boy just squinted his eyes at me and waved my hand away, grabbing the plate instead and putting it in front of him. I gulped as he sat down across the table from me, his green eyes not leaving mine until he took a fork and began eating.

"Im Glad you came to join,Harry."

Not me.

The older boy responded nothing back, just keeping his head down as he continued to eat the food.

"Do you want some more spaghetti Lou?"

The older boy quickly snapped his attention back to me and glared, slowly shaking his head.

"U-Uh n-no. T-Thanks mom"

Harry dropped his fork and began to cough on his spaghetti, eyes more darker than before.

If eyes could kill, I would have been dead.

"Shes not your mom, kid."

"Harry stop."

This was the orphanage all over again.

I bit my lip as my eyes began to prickle with tears, feeling the hole in my heart once again, empty.

He was right.

"I-Im s-sorry, I mean T-thank You A-Anne."

"No Louis, dont listen to Edward. I am your mom. And you Harry, I already told you if you dont clean your act up, im taking everything away."

"Oh Please."

I sat in silence as Harry rolled his eyes at his mom, Annes jaw dropping as she shook her head. She exited the dining room angry, leaving me unfortunately with the monster by myself.

Harry turned around and watched her walk away, chuckling when she was completely gone and bringing his atttention back to me.

Oh No.

"Listen Here Kid, I dont know who you think you are but You Stay Away from Me. I might not be able to get rid of you just yet but I will. You Understand?"

I could feel my chest rising up and down fast, my hands beggining to tremble again with fear. Why does he hate me? What did I do now?

"And dont come in my room either or thats the last time you will end up seeing daylight. Capiche?"

Holy Cheeseballs.

What, why?!

The older boy turned away from me and set his attention back on his mom who was coming back into the dining room. I could tell Anne had something behind her back by the way her arms were placed, and the smile on her face slowly coming into view.

"Why are you smiling mom?"

Anne brought her hands up to show Harry a small set of keys, the older boy quickly getting up from the table and walking towards her.

"Mom No"

"Dont you dare touch me Harry Styles. Youre not getting your car back until you learn how to be nice to your brother."

"Youre leaving the fate of my car in her hands ?! Thats crap!"

Im not a girl!

"His name Is Louis, Harry. Make that two weeks youre not getting it back. and if little Louis here gives me a complaint, I will keep adding weeks and devices I will be taking away."

"Thats not a boy mom! Look at him! Hes a completely girl. Have you not noticed those girly pretty stupid eyes and hair and round big ass. I thought it was a girl!"

I lowered my head down and flushed, not feeling so manly like I always did. Did I really look like a girl?

"Three Weeks Harry."

The older boy huffed and turned around, heading back to the chair and glaring at me from across the table.

Holy cheeseballs.

I have the power.


I was currently sitting on the couch of my new houses living room, watching in amazement the cartoons that the plasma tv had on. I could see them clearly now, they were all huge!

Looney Tunes Was currently on, my favorite character, bugs bunny talking to Donald Duck something about wanting to take Lola out for a date, Daffy giving horrible advice.

I laughed as Bugs bunny hit him on the head, not wanting to here the stupid plans Daffy was telling him to do. Daffy wanted Bugs Bunny to blind fold her and take her to a garbage disposal place, to test if she really liked him, she would stay. But Bugs bunny said no, telling daffy he wanted her to like him, not get slapped in he face.


"Im in the living room Anne"

I turned around and watched Anne peek her head in, the lady smiling very wide. Her smile was very pretty.

"Im going really quickly to run some errands son. I just told Harry to come downstairs and watch cartoons with you, so you wont feel lonely."




"Dont worry Louis, I already talked to him. He wont be messing with you anytime soon. Feel at home son."

"C-Can I-I come with y-you instead?"

"Sorry love, They dont allow kids where im going. Ill be back soon, I promise."

I gulped as I watched Harry come from behind Anne, walking slowly to the couch across me and throwing himself on it.

"Im going now. Behave you two."

I gulped as I watched Anne leave, my poor weak self left alone with the monster again.

I sank down in the couch and made no attempt to make eye contact with the older boy, although feeling the pit of my stomach grown uneasy by the second. The sound of the front door shutting made goosebumps rise on my skin, knowing there was no turning back.

My throat began to burn as I watched Bugs Bunny open the car door for Lola on Tv, the bunny pressing a small kiss to Bugs bunnys cheek.

From the corner of my eye I could see Harry staring at me, although he made no sound.

He was smiling creepily.

I could see his teeth.

I gulped again and just stayed focused on Bugs bunny leading Lola to the restaurant he had reserved for their date, both bunnys looking very happy.

"Cmon Louise. I know youre not paying attention to that stupid show. Look at me."

A small shaky whimper erupted from my mouth as I saw the figure from the corner of my eye move, the boy sitting up straight now and extending his arm out.

Without control, I turned to look at him, my heart beginning to beat fast as he let his eyes travel up and down my body with a smirk on his face.

"Cmere Baby Brother. Lets have a little chat. Just you and Me."

My Step Brothers Keeper (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now