Good bye, Jack Sparrow (Epilogue)

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It was late at night. You were close to Turtuga. Close enough you could get there in a row boat. And that was your plan. You were sleeping in the Captains Quarters with Jack. Well you weren't sleeping. He was. You got out of your bed as quietly as possible. You packed your things and started to head out. You opened the door. You heard Jack stir. You stopped completely. And he resumed sleeping. You sighed a silent relief and kept going. You thought of writing a note but decided better. If he knew where you were, he might find you. And that was something you didn't need. You were at the row boats now. You put everything in and prepared to lower it into the water.

"You were just going to leave like this?" You jumped. The voice scared you. You turned around to see Jack. Standing there with sad eyes.

"Yes. I'm starting over." You said. Refusing to meet his eyes.

"Why Y/N? You're not meant for a stationary life. You've been a runaway all your life. But maybe you're just looking for adventure." Jack pleaded. You've never really seen him like this. He sounded... sad? He wasn't his usual sarcastic, joking self.

"That's the thing. I can't live a stationary life. I can't trust it. I'm a runaway. That's who I am. I always need a way out." You explained.

"You don't have to. You don't need to runaway. You can trust me." He begged.

"Jack, you're a pirate. You said it yourself. You're dishonest." You put a hand in his cheek.

"Not with you. I don't know what it is. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow! I should be able to let you leave without a second thought. But here I am." He looked defenseless.

"You never told me about how you got the P brand on your arm. When you told me people aren't cargo. What did you mean. That's how you can start with proving to me you're honest." You bargained. You hoped it wouldn't work. You hoped he would walk off and just leave to make this less painful.

"A while back a certain person of Port Royal wanted me to transport 100 slaves. I couldn't do it. I set them free. People. Aren't. Cargo." He said with all seriousness.

"You were sold as a child slave. You told me. Maybe that's why I can't help but feel the need to protect you. Or maybe it's because I... Because I... Dammit!" He couldn't finish. He regained his composure.

"Because I lo-" You kiss him to cut him off. You couldn't head him say it. You were leaving. That was final.

"Don't say it. Please." You begged. You continued packing your stuff into the boat.

"You don't love me Jack. Everyone knows your reputation." Your lip started quivering.

"You're different Y/N!" He argued.

"How many girls have you told that to?!" You demanded. He just stared at you. Not knowing what to say.

"I'll prove it. I'll go get the compass right now. I'll do whatever it takes." He begged.

"No. Even if you do. I have to go. I can't be a pirate. Not like my father. Look where it got him." You said. You turned around to try to continue packing. You felt a hand on each arm as Jack came up behind you. It sent shivers down your spine how close he was. You could feel his breath on your neck.

"It doesn't have to be like this." Jack whispered. Even more shivers.

"I can show you everything. More than you know." He kissed your neck. You felt chills again you pulled away to face him.

"Jack can't you see this hurts me?" He couldn't understand. You wanted to stay so bad. But you were only trying to protect yourself.

"I don't want to leave but I need to. It's better for the both of us." You looked away. Jack pulled you close.

"Just be safe. Please." He kissed your head. This was weird. The only time he's ever been like this is the night of the full moon. Maybe he did love you? Maybe... No. You couldn't think about that. You looked up at him.

"I'll try." You said weakly. You climbed into the boat and started lowering yourself down.

"Goodbye, Jack Sparrow."

Hey! End of this book. Honestly I do not know when/if the next book will come out. But when it does, I will post an update in this book of where to find it. That's it for now. Thank you so much for reading this book and I really hope you enjoyed it!

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