"Captain" Jack Sparrow

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"Is that where we left that hammer?" You asked Will.

"No. And why is the donkey working?" He asked as he calmed the donkey down.

He went to go pick up a hat when suddenly a sword smacked his hand away.

"Your the one their hunting. The pirate." Will said as a man stepped out of the shadows.

"You look somewhat familiar have I threatened you before?" The man asked

"I make a point to avoid familiarity with pirates." Will said

"Well then it would be a shame to put a black mark on your record." The man said. He went to walk away when Will grabbed a sword.

"Do you think this wise boy? Crossing blades with a pirate?" He asked.

"You threatened miss Swann." Will stated.

"Oh boo hoo he threatened your little girlfriend. Will just let him get caught." You said. That earned you a look from Will.

"Ah and who is this young lass? No doubt someone of importance to you?" The pirate asked.

"This "young lass" is y/n. And she will not have any sort of affiliation with the likes of you." Will answered for you.

"I can answer for myself thank you. And you must be Jack Sparrow. The pirate who killed captain Salazar when he was just a boy." You directed at the pirate.

"Ah ah. Captain Jack Sparrow to you love." He gave you a wink. You smirked.

"Oh enough of this!" Will shouted. They started fighting.

"You have excellent form I'll give you that. Now let's see your foot work. Now if I step here... very good. And if I step again... Ta" Jack went to leave. He was almost out when Will threw a sword at the door. Barely missing his face. He tried to pull it out to no avail.

"That was a wonderful trick. But once again, you are between me and my way out. And you have no weapon." Jack said. Unsheathing his sword once again.

Will grabs a hot sword from the fire and they start fighting again.

"Who makes all these??" Jack questioned.

"I do. And I practice with them three hours a day."

"As do I" You chimed in. This was very entertaining to you.

"You need to find yourself a girl mate." The pirate said.

"Oh he already has one!" You said. You get ignored again.

"Or perhaps you practice three hours a day is because there already is a girl, and you are otherwise incapable of wooing said strumpet. Your not a eunich are you?" Jack inquired.

"I practice three hours a day so that when I meet a pirate, I can kill it!" Will said strongly.

They keep fighting. Eventually Jack ended up blinding Will then pulled out a gun.

"You chested!" Will shouted.

"Ok we can calm down now." You said. Suddenly scared he was about to kill the only family you've ever known

"Pírate," Jack stated. Will blocked the exit.

"Move." Jack said

"No I cannot just let you escape." Will said.

"Yes you can." You pleaded.

"Please move?" Jack asked again. The soldiers started banging at the door.

"This shot is not meant for you." Jack said. Suddenly he's hit in the back of the head with a bottle and he passes out. Norrington came in the shop.

"Nice work Mr. Brown. You assisted in the capture of a dangerous fugitive." Norrington said.

"Just doing my civic duty sir." Mr. Brown stated.

"Well I trust it that you will always remember this as the day Captain Jack Sparrow almost escaped."

"Wait, isn't that the girl who stole our swords?" One of the soldiers asked.

"Nope. Wasn't me. Damn I have got to go get some food I'm starving." You went to leave.

"Halt. Take her with the pirate."

"Y/n what did you do?" Will asked with a disappointed look on his face.

"One of the soldiers disrespected me! I needed to do something!" You said. One of the soldiers had tried to ahem, take advantage of you. You needed a sword at that moment to defend yourself.

"Should have thought about that miss. Off with the pirate." And they took you to the prison too, all of the excitement of today suddenly vanished.

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