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You looked at the burning Interceptor, wondering where your brother went. Suddenly, You and Elizabeth both ran up to Barbossa.

"You godless pirate!" You said. Kicking scratching doing whatever you could. One of the crew members held you back.

"You best stay polite miss. And maybe we'll be polite too." He whispered in your ear.

"Damn you to the depths of hell." You responded.

"Shut up." He threw you to the rest of the crew. Barbossa did the same with Elizabeth. They started pulling at your clothes and hair.

"Barbossa!" You heard someone scream. Could it be? It was.

"Will." You said.

"She goes free." Will said pointing a gun at Barbossa.

"What about your little sister huh?" You said.

"Her too." Will said smiling.

"What's in your head boy?" Barbossa said walking up.

"They go free." Will repeated.

"You only got one shot and we can't die." Barbossa countered.

"Don't do anything stupid." Jack pleaded. Will ran to the edge of the ship.

"You can't. I can." Will said.

"Will don't you dare." You said, struggling against your captors.

"Like that." Jack said.

"Who are you?" Barbossa asked curiously.

"He's no one! A distant cousin of my aunts nephew twice removed. Lovely singing voice though. Eunich." Jack ran up to Barbossa, whispering that last part. You chuckled a little.

"My name is Will Turner! My father was Bootstrap Bill Turner! His blood runs in my veins." Will stated with confidence.

"He's the spitting image of Bootstrap. Come back to haunt us!" One of the men in Barbossas crew shouted. You rolled your eyes.

"On my word do as I say. Or I'll pull this trigger and be lost to Davy Jones locker." Will said. He was making you nervous.

"Name your terms, Turner." Barbossa said.

"Elizabeth and Y/n go free." He demanded.

"Yes we know that one what else?" He asked. Jack kept motioning to himself.

"And the crew! The crew are not to be harmed." He said. Jack looked exasperated. Barbossa went up to Will.



The Black Pearl had sailed close to an Island. Then they were forcing Elizabeth off the plank.

"Go poppet!" One shouted.

"Walk the plank!" Said another.

"Barbossa you lying bastard! You swore she'd go free!" Will was struggling against the crew.

"Don't dare impugn me honor boy! I swore she'd go free, but it was you who failed to specify where." Barbossa challenged.

"Though it would be a shame to lose something so fine, wouldn't it lads?" Barbossa asked the crew. They agreed with scattered "Ayes".

"So I'll be having that dress back before you go." Barbossa held his hand out with a menacing smile. Elizabeth proceeded to take off her dress, standing only in her underclothes. The crew whistled and bowled at her.

"Goes with your black heart." She spat.

"Ooh it's still warm." Barbossa said as he threw the dress to the crew. Elizabeth stood at the edge of the plank for a little. Scared to jump.

"Get on with it already!" You shouted. It wasn't you being forced off the plank and you frankly didn't like her. The crew looked back at you with confused looks.

"What?" You said. "I'm not pirate but I'm assuming this normally doesn't take that long. And don't even act like you don't plan to throw me overboard as well." You said. You hoped they wouldn't obviously. In fact that was more of a joke then it was being serious.

"You have a colder heart than Barbossa." Elizabeth said back to you.

"And you have a bigger head than him. Get on with it." You complained. Someone finally kicked the plank and she went overboard.

"No!" Will looked at Barbossa.

"She can swim." You said. After her the crew started pushing Jack forward.

"I'd really hoped that we were past all this." Jack said innocently to Barbossa.

"Jack, Jack. Did you not notice? That be the same little island that we made you governor of our last little trip." Jack looked back at the Island.

"Perhaps you'll be able to come up with another miraculous escape, but I doubt it." Barbossa said pushing Jack to the plank.

"No." You struggled against your captors, but they held you back.

"So now you're sympathetic." Will whispered to you.

"Shut up." The crewman said sternly to you both.

Barbossa pulled out his sword. "Off you go." He said pushing Jack towards the edge.

"Last time you left me a pistol with one shot." Jack said.

"By the powers you're right. Where be Jacks pistol? Bring it forward." Barbossa commanded.

"Seeing as there's two of us a gentleman, would give us a pair of pistols." Jack pleaded.

"It'll be one pistol same as last time. And you can be the gentleman and shoot the lady, and starve to death yourself." Barbossa threw it in the water. And Jack jumped in. Suddenly they started pushing you forward.

"Hey what the hell!" You shouted. What did they think they were doing.

"Frankly you're of no use to us. And you're quite annoying with your unwillingness to obey our orders and it seems Jack would enjoy your company. Off you go." Barbossa pushed you into the plank. You looked down at the water.

"You don't have to do this!" Will shouted.

"Oh, but I really, really want to." Barbossa looked back. You looked around. You held your breath, and you jumped.

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