Full Moon

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After you went to the Captains quarters and found your outfit, you decided that you would change into it the next day. It was a full moon tonight. Which means tonight, you felt their sorrow. Tonight, you could hear the mermaids wailing for their children. You were looking out one of the port holes when you heard foot steps. You composed yourself quickly.

"Hello Love I seem to have forgotten my- what's wrong?" Jack suddenly asked.

"It's nothing." You responded quickly. Wiping what little tears fell from your face. Since you were so close to the ocean the sorrow you felt was even stronger. This was the first time you remember crying ever. You were playing with the pendant around your neck.

"You know, I never told you that your necklace is stunning." Jack said. He reached his hand out and started playing with it himself. But in that process, he saw that there were marks on your neck.

"Who hurt you?" Jack looked into your eyes. You got up and walk away.

"Why should I tell you? I'm sure you're like this with every girl." You said plainly.

"Y/n I-"

"There's no need. It's no big deal." You said. Sitting down on the other side of the room by the other port hole.

"Let me show you something love." Jack said. Taking out a compass. He opened it up.

"A broken compass?" You asked. It didn't point north like it should.

"Not broken love. This compass points to what your heart most desires. Tell me, what is it pointing to now?" You looked down to see it was pointing to you.

"M-me?" You asked. You looked up to meet Jacks eyes.

"So I ask again, who hurt you?" Jack asked with all seriousness.

"I barely remember getting them. I was only a child. I was sent from Greece. Sold as a child slave because it was too dangerous for me to stay. I didn't know what was happening around me so I would "act out" sometimes. I was kept with a rope around my neck. The second we got to port I had stolen a knife and cut through the rope. I ran away and lived behind a bar for a while. After a bit I met Will. And we've been looking out for each other ever since." You explained. No one knew that much about you. Not even Will.

"Im not particularly fond of the slave business. People aren't cargo. Tell me, why did you leave the Mediterranean?" Jack asked.

"Well you seem to be quite curious." You said with caution.

"I only ask because I care love." He said. He almost had trouble saying the care part. It was very unlike the Captain Jack Sparrow to be this empathetic.

"Family troubles. It was too dangerous for me to stay. I grew up without a mother and from what I hear my father is dead now." You explained.

"You know, I noticed something quite peculiar earlier. Your hair. It seemed to glow underwater. And you are particularly sad tonight. And it also happens to be a full moon. I've heard the stories, dear y/n." Jack said.

"W-What stories?" You asked.

"I know a child of the sea when I meet one." Jack said. Oh, you understood now.

"Now I know why your compass pointed to me. All you pirates are the same. We can't lead you to any riches. That is merely a fisherman's tale." You huffed, looking away.

"Y/n, even if I believed that you could lead me to any treasure, I could never do that to you." Jack said. You looked back.

"Why not?" You said, keeping your guard up.

"Don't make me get emotional now love." Jack teased. You chuckled a little bit. You looked back out at the moon.

"Does Turner know?" Jack asked.

"All Will knows is that I'm from the Mediterranean. He doesn't know anything about being a slave or a mermaids child." You answered.

"And I'm assuming you want to keep it that way?" Jack asked.

"Yes, please." You said. Tears started prickling at your eyes as the sorrow worsened. You sniffed and wiped them away. You refused to cry. Much less in front of Jack Sparrow.

"You're allowed to cry." Jack said. Wiping away a tear you didn't realize had escaped from your eyes.

"No. I won't allow it. Crying is a sign of weakness which I am not." You said defiantly.

"Love, you could be sobbing, and I would look at you as anything but weak." Jack said. You looked up and realized your faces were a lot closer than you thought.

"Jack..." you trailed off.

"Shh. Don't worry love." He said.

"Now if anyone asks, this conversation never happened, because I am Captain Jack Sparrow, the fearless ruler of the sea, who is not capable of such emotion." He smiled, getting up. He pulled you up with him, for the first time noticing the tattoo on your wrist. It was of a Greek Key. He traced his thumb over it. You weren't about to reveal your whole life story so you changed the subject.

"Jack earlier you said that people aren't cargo. You would think a pirate wouldn't care." You said. Looking at the P brand on his wrist.

"They aren't. But that's a story for another night." Jack looked up and smiled at you. All emotion from before forgotten. But you could see the pain in his eyes. You went to leave to go sleep in one of the hammocks but Jack stopped you.

"You can stay here. For the night. I imagine a bed would be more comfortable than a hammock. You have my word I will be on my best behavior." He offered.

"Thank you, Captain." You smiled. You went to the bed, but you could've sworn you heard him whispering,

"It's Jack, love."


The next morning you woke up next to him. Surprised at first but then you remembered last night. Jack was already out of bed. He threw your other clothes at you.

"Rise and shine, lass. Today, we'll be arriving at Tortuga. And believe me love, you'll need to be alert the whole time." Jack winked at you. It was going to be a long day.

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