Up close with a pirate.

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The men in the other cell were whistling to the dog to try to get the keys.

"You can do that all day that dog is never going to move." Jack said, dejected.

"Well excuse us if we haven't resigned ourselves to the gallows just yet." One of the other pirates said.

Jack looked at you.

"How did you end up in here with me?" Jack questioned.

"I stole some swords. Apparently defending yourself is treason." You said.

"Stole swords from...?" Jack asked.

"Stole swords from the soldiers. It's not big deal." You looked away.

"Oh look at little y/n! Stealing swords. And here I thought you were the pride of this town. Being the sister of the eunich." Jack chuckled.

"If only." You said smiling. "So what is Captain Jack Sparrow doing here?" You asked.

"I am in search of a ship. My beloved Black Pearl was taken from me. And I have every intention of getting it back." He said. You chuckled.

"Good luck with that matter." You said. You knew Will would bust you out sometime. He always did.

"Your not from the Carribean. Are you love?" Jack asked.

"No actually. I'm Mediterranean. My family was Greek. How could you tell?" You questioned

"You have a slight accent when you talk and no lady from the Carribean has the same... let's say fire, as you." Jack looked at you with wonder in his eyes.

"Must get it from my mother." You said, looking down and smiling. You toyed with your dolphin pendant.

"What a lovely little necklace. No doubt a gift from your mother?" Jack looked at you with curious eyes. You felt a sting in your chest.

"Yes. It was." You trailed off looking down.

"I didn't mean to"

"It's fine" you cut him off. You didn't cry. You never did. And you don't plan on starting now. Besides, what could empathy from a pirate be worth anyways? From Captain Jack Sparrow no less.

After a while, you stood up to stretch your legs as you had been sitting for a little while now. When you went to go back to your spot you found a certain pirate there instead.

"That's my spot." You said. "I would like it back."

"Well then you'll just have to find somewhere else to sit. But if you want your spot back so badly..." Jack motioned to his lap. Raising an eye brow.

"Your ridiculous." You rolled your eyes laughed. You went to go sit down in Jacks spot.

"You know we have a lot of time to kill." Jack said suggestively.

"Use that time to plan how you will get your ship back." You teased. You admit the flirting was fun. But we all know how Jack Sparrow is with ladies.

"Now now love. No one teases Captain Jack Sparrow." He teased back

"Well then. Looks like I'm the first, love." You said. He laughed at the fact that you were using his pet name. He started walking closer. He picked you up from the ground.

"Now then. If your going to not only tease me but lure me to you, be ready for the catch love." Jack whispered into your ear. Which sent chills down your spine.

"Am I luring you? Or can you just not resist?" You questioned. You went to sit down. But not before Jack have you a light squeeze on your ahem. Stern.

Some time passed when suddenly an erie feeling filled the air. Then. Cannons

"I know those guns." Jack looked out the window. "It's the pearl!"

"The Black Pearl? I've heard of that ship. She's been preying on ships and settlements for years. Never leaves any survivors." One of the prisoners said.

"No survivors eh? Then who lives to tell the tales?"

Jack Sparrow x reader Changing tidesWhere stories live. Discover now